Differential Geometry


Group overview

The differential geometry group is focused on geometric analysis, which is the use of nonlinear PDEs of elliptic and parabolic types and variational methods to study geometric problems. In particular, the group actively contributes to the research of minimal surfaces, Ricci flow, mean curvature flow, harmonic maps, geometric and analytic aspects of Lagrangian submanifolds, and related areas.

info for prospective students

The group consistently attracts strong postdoctoral fellows and graduate students internationally. Standard graduate courses in manifolds and Riemannian geometry are offered regularly, and advanced topics courses are also offered frequently. A weekly learning seminar is organized every semester.


Faculty Research Interests
Jingyi Chen
Ailana Fraser Minimal surfaces, eigenvalue problems, variational methods, Riemannian geometry
Young-Heon Kim Optimal transport, partial differential equations, and geometry.
Sebastien Picard Differential geometry, nonlinear PDE in complex geometry, Calabi-Yau geometry
Tai-Peng Tsai Partial differential equations from mathematical physics, including fluid and dispersive PDEs
Graduate Students Research Interests
Benjamin Friedman Geometric Analysis
Adam Martens Ricci flow, mathematical general relativity, geometric analysis