
The Probability group maintains an external site with more information about their group and its activities:

External Probability Group site

Group overview

Probability theory is the study of random events and processes. A mathematical discipline in its own right, probability theory also plays an important role in many other areas of mathematics, such as partial differential equations, analysis, and combinatorics. It provides the theoretical basis for statistics. Probability is also an applied science, with important applications in statistical mechanics, mathematical biology, finance, theoretical computer science and telecommunications.

The probability group is broad: subjects considered include random graphs, random walk in random environments, statistical physics, renormalisation, percolation, measure-valued processes and stochastic partial differential equations, interacting particle systems and applications in ecology and evolution, and combinatorial methods in statistical physics.



Faculty Research Interests
Omer Angel
Jonathan Hermon Discrete probability theory with a special emphasis on problems related to the theory of mixing times of Markov chains and the cutoff phenomenon
Mathav Murugan
Gordon Slade Random walk, self-avoiding walk, lattice trees, percolation, lace expansion, critical phenomena in statistical mechanics, super-Brownian motion, renormalisation group.
Emeritus Research Interests
Ed Perkins Measure-valued diffusions, superprocesses and branching models, stochastic differential equations, stochastic pde's, nonstandard analysis, interacting particle systems, cluster growth models, applications to population models.
Postdoctoral Researchers Research Interests
Petr Kosenko geometric group theory, probability theory, harmonic analysis
Graduate Students Research Interests
Parijat Chakraborty Probability and Statistics
Dylan Chaussoy
Huub de Jong
Yucheng Liu
Yuliang Shi