
UBC Exam Schedule

Viewing of Exams

Students can view their final exams with an Instructor. The purpose of these viewings are for pedagogical purposes; they are not a review of the grading (see Review of Assigned Standing). Students may not take exams or records of exams away from these meetings.

To request a viewing, fill out a Viewing of Exam form and submit the completed form in person to the Math Department Office (Room 121, 1984 Mathematics Road). 

Review of Assigned Standing

Students who wish to have their paper regraded can arrange to do so through Enrolment Services. More information and a link to the application can be found through Student Services.

Standing Deferred Exams

Students apply for Standing Deferred (SD) status through their faculties. 

The expectation of the Mathematics Department is that students granted SD status will write to complete the course at the next regularly scheduled exam sitting. This is usually at the end of the following term. For any course offered in the following summer term, Mathematics will not offer an additional exam during Enrolment Services’ SD summer exam period. The Mathematics Department does not take part in the Enrolment Services' SD November exam period. 

Exam Hardships

An Exam Hardship is defined as 3 final exams that start and end within a 24 hour period. This a UBC Senate Policy, read more about it on the UBC Calendar website. Students who have an Exam Hardship should register their hardship via the Undergraduate Coordinator.

Academic Concession

Students requesting an academic concession for final assignments or exams must consult their faculty advising office. The Academic Concession form can only be used for in-term academic concessions. The form should be sent to the course instructor.