General syllabus information
academic concessions
For in-term concessions, fill in and submit the form here to your instructor.
For final exams and other assessments submitted in the final exam period, academic concessions are handled through your Faculty Advising Office. UBC’s policies on concessions can be found here.
academic integrity
Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the University’s definition of academic misconduct. All cases of suspected academic misconduct will be pursued to the fullest extent. Consequences of academic misconduct may include a grade of zero on an assessment, a failing grade in a course, and suspension or expulsion from the University.
access and diversity
Students requiring support due to physical or learning disabilities may apply for accommodations through the Centre for Accessibility (CfA). Students must register with the CfA before requesting accommodation.
For registration issues refer to this page. Do not contact instructors with registration issues.
standing deferred (SD)
You apply for Standing Deferred status through your Faculty Advising Office.
The expectation of the Mathematics Department is that students granted SD status will write the exam to complete the course at the next regularly scheduled exam sitting. For courses offered no more frequently than once per year, an SD exam will be set during Enrolment Services' SD summer exam period. The Mathematics Department does not take part in Enrolment Services’ SD November exam period.
student resources
The Math Learning Centre (MLC) is located in LSK 301 and LSK 302. The MLC is open to all undergraduate students who need help in their Math courses, with a focus on first- and second-year Math courses.
The Past Exams database contains a number of exams from previous years. Note that final exam topics may change from year to year.
UBC resources to support student success
Multiple University-wide policies and resources to support student success may be found here.
UBC Statement on respectful environment
The University expects courses to be respectful environments. This expectation extends to discussion forums associated with the course, where posts must be respectful and civil. The University's Statement on Respectful Environment highlights two central principles, freedom of expression and promotion of free inquiry, and an underlying requirement of a vigorous commitment to recognition of and respect for the freedoms of others, and concern for the well-being of every member of the university community.