Santanil Jana
Speaker Affiliation: 

February 1, 2023

Room 204
1984 Mathematics Rd
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

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The space U(n)/N(n), where N(n) is the normalizer of the maximal torus in U(n), arises naturally in many areas of mathematics and can be identified with the unordered flag manifolds. In this talk, we will introduce the concept of the n-fold extended symmetric power of a space X, and describe its cohomology when X is equal to BU(1). We will also demonstrate homological stability for the spaces {U(n)/N(n)}, and describe the stable cohomology ring of U(n)/N(n). If there is sufficient time, we may also see some of the low-dimensional computations that have been done in the case where n = 3, 4.

Event Topic: 

Event Details

February 1, 2023

4:00pm to 5:00pm

Room 204
1984 Mathematics Rd
Vancouver, BC, CA
V6T 1Z2

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