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Class figPac.fSubFigure


public class fSubFigure
extends Object
implements fElement, lblFiler
An fSubFigure is to be thought of as a part of a Figure that is itself a sequence of figure elements. The main difference between a figure and its subfigures is the coordinate system. Each Figure comes with a coordinate map, called usr2pxl that converts Figure coordinates (called user coordinates) to screen coordinates (called pixel coordinates). On the other hand each fSubFigure comes with a coordinate map that converts subfigure coordinates (called patch coordinates) to the coordinate system of the parent of the subfigure (which may be the main Figure or may be a larger fSubFigure that contains the current fSubFigure).

As well each fSubFigure comes with its own table, env, of drawing environment variables. Entries in this table override, for the subfigure, corresponding entries in the parent's env table. Entries in the parent's table which do not have corresponding entries in the subfigure table are inherited by the subfigure.

Variable Index

 o basePatch2parent
Each time the subfigure is drawn, the map from the coordinate system of the subfigure to that of its parent is initalized to basePatch2parent.
 o elements
The list of figure elements
 o env
The table of environment variables.
 o parent2dvc
The map from the coordinate system of the parent of the subfigure to that of the display device.
 o patch2dvc
The map from the coordinate system of the subfigure to that of the display device.

Constructor Index

 o fSubFigure()
This method creates an empty subfigure.
 o fSubFigure(fElement)
This method creates a subfigure that contains a single figure element.
 o fSubFigure(Figure)
This method creates a subfigure that contains all current figure element of the Figure fig.

Method Index

 o append(fElement)
Appends a new figure element to the subfigure.
 o drawgfx(Figure, Hashtable, V2V)
 o drawps(Figure, Hashtable, V2V)
 o fArrow(double, double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fArrow(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) )
 o fArrow(double[], double[])
Shortform for append(new fArrow(double from[], double to[]) )
 o fArrowhead(double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double x, double y, double angle) )
 o fArrowhead(double, double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double xcentre, double ycentre, double xto, double yto) )
 o fArrowhead(double[], double)
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double centre[], double angle) )
 o fArrowhead(double[], double[])
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double centre[], double[] to) )
 o fAxes()
Shortform for append(new fAxes() )
 o fAxes(String, String)
Shortform for append(new fAxes(String xlabel, String ylabel) )
 o fAxes(String, String, double, double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fAxes(String xlabel, String ylabel, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) )
 o fAxes(String, String, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, int)
Shortform for append(new fAxes(String xlabel, String ylabel, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double xintvl, double yintvl, double firstXtick, double firstYtick, int xprec, int yprec) )
 o fCurve(S2S)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F) )
 o fCurve(S2S, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F, double xmin, double xmax) )
 o fCurve(S2S, double, double, long)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F, double xmin, double xmax, long type) )
 o fCurve(S2S, long)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F, long type) )
 o fCurve(S2V)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY))
 o fCurve(S2V, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY, double tmin, double tmax) )
 o fCurve(S2V, double, double, long)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY, double tmin, double tmax, long type) )
 o fCurve(S2V, long)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY, long type) )
 o fDisk(double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double radius) )
 o fDisk(double, double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double a, double b) )
 o fDisk(double, double, double, double, long)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double a, double b, long type) )
 o fDisk(double, double, double, long)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double radius, long type) )
 o fEnv(Object, double)
Shortform for append(new fEnv(Object key, double value) )
 o fEnv(Object, int)
Shortform for append(new fEnv(Object key, int value) )
 o fEnv(Object, Object)
Shortform for append(new fEnv(Object key, Object value) )
 o fLabel(double, double, String)
Shortform for append(new fLabel(double x, double y, String str) )
 o fLabel(double, double, String, String)
Shortform for append(new fLabel(double x, double y, String just, String str) )
 o fLine(double, double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fLine(double x1, double y1, double x2,double y2) )
 o fLine(double[], double[])
Shortform for append(new fLine(double from[], double to[]) )
 o fPolygon(double[], double[], int)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[] xlist, double[] ylist, int nopoints) )
 o fPolygon(double[], double[], int, long)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[] xlist, double[] ylist, int nopoints, long type) )
 o fPolygon(double[], double[], int, long, Color)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[] xlist, double[] ylist, int nopoints, long type, Color color) )
 o fPolygon(double[][])
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list) )
 o fPolygon(double[][], int)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list, int nopoints) )
 o fPolygon(double[][], int, long)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list, int nopoints, long type) )
 o fPolygon(double[][], int, long, Color)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list, int nopoints, long type, Color color) )
 o fRotate(double)
Shortform for append(new fRotate(double angle) )
 o fScale(double, double)
Shortform for append(new fScale(double xfactor, double yfactor) )
 o fSetPatch2parent(V2V)
Shortform for append(new fSetPatch2parent(V2V coordmap) )
 o fSquiggle(double, double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(double x1, double y1, double x2,double y2) )
 o fSquiggle(double, double, double, double, double, int)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(double x1, double y1, double x2,double y2, double height, int nobumps) )
 o fSquiggle(double[], double[], double, int)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(double from[], double to[], double height, int nobumps) )
 o fSquiggle(S2V, S2V, double, double, double, int)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(S2V centerline, S2V normal , double tmin, double tmax, double height, int nobumps)
 o fSquiggle(S2V, S2V, double, int)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(S2V centerline, S2V normal , double height, int nobumps) )
 o fTeXlabel(double, double, String)
Shortform for append(new fTeXlabel(double x, double y, String str) )
 o fTeXlabel(double, double, String, String)
Shortform for append(new fTeXlabel(double x, double y, String just, String str) )
 o fTeXlabel(double, double, String, String, String)
Shortform for append(new fTeXlabel(double x, double y, String just, String str, String screenStr) )
 o fTranslate(double, double)
Shortform for append(new fTtranslate(double x, double y) )
 o rotate(double)
Rotates basePatch2parent - the initial patch2parent coordinate map that is used each time the subfigure is drawn.
 o scale(double, double)
Scales basePatch2parent - the initial patch2parent coordinate map that is used each time the subfigure is drawn.
 o setBasePatch2parent(V2V)
Sets the basePatch2parent to the specified V2V.
 o translate(double, double)
Translates basePatch2parent - the initial patch2parent coordinate map that is used each time the subfigure is drawn.
 o writeLbl(Figure, Hashtable, V2V)


 o elements
 public Vector elements
The list of figure elements

 o env
 public Hashtable env
The table of environment variables.

 o basePatch2parent
 public V2V basePatch2parent
Each time the subfigure is drawn, the map from the coordinate system of the subfigure to that of its parent is initalized to basePatch2parent.

 o parent2dvc
 public V2V parent2dvc
The map from the coordinate system of the parent of the subfigure to that of the display device.

 o patch2dvc
 public V2V patch2dvc
The map from the coordinate system of the subfigure to that of the display device. It is the composition of patch2parent with parent2dvc.


 o fSubFigure
 public fSubFigure()
This method creates an empty subfigure.

 o fSubFigure
 public fSubFigure(fElement element)
This method creates a subfigure that contains a single figure element.

 o fSubFigure
 public fSubFigure(Figure fig)
This method creates a subfigure that contains all current figure element of the Figure fig.


 o append
 public void append(fElement nextelement)
Appends a new figure element to the subfigure.

 o setBasePatch2parent
 public void setBasePatch2parent(V2V coordmap)
Sets the basePatch2parent to the specified V2V.

 o translate
 public void translate(double x,
                       double y)
Translates basePatch2parent - the initial patch2parent coordinate map that is used each time the subfigure is drawn.

 o rotate
 public void rotate(double angle)
Rotates basePatch2parent - the initial patch2parent coordinate map that is used each time the subfigure is drawn.

 o scale
 public void scale(double xfactor,
                   double yfactor)
Scales basePatch2parent - the initial patch2parent coordinate map that is used each time the subfigure is drawn.

 o fArrow
 public void fArrow(double from[],
                    double to[])
Shortform for append(new fArrow(double from[], double to[]) )

 o fArrow
 public void fArrow(double x1,
                    double y1,
                    double x2,
                    double y2)
Shortform for append(new fArrow(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) )

 o fArrowhead
 public void fArrowhead(double centre[],
                        double angle)
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double centre[], double angle) )

 o fArrowhead
 public void fArrowhead(double x,
                        double y,
                        double angle)
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double x, double y, double angle) )

 o fArrowhead
 public void fArrowhead(double centre[],
                        double to[])
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double centre[], double[] to) )

 o fArrowhead
 public void fArrowhead(double xcentre,
                        double ycentre,
                        double xto,
                        double yto)
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double xcentre, double ycentre, double xto, double yto) )

 o fAxes
 public void fAxes()
Shortform for append(new fAxes() )

 o fAxes
 public void fAxes(String xlabel,
                   String ylabel)
Shortform for append(new fAxes(String xlabel, String ylabel) )

 o fAxes
 public void fAxes(String xlabel,
                   String ylabel,
                   double xmin,
                   double xmax,
                   double ymin,
                   double ymax)
Shortform for append(new fAxes(String xlabel, String ylabel, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) )

 o fAxes
 public void fAxes(String xlabel,
                   String ylabel,
                   double xmin,
                   double xmax,
                   double ymin,
                   double ymax,
                   double xintvl,
                   double yintvl,
                   double firstXtick,
                   double firstYtick,
                   int xprec,
                   int yprec)
Shortform for append(new fAxes(String xlabel, String ylabel, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double xintvl, double yintvl, double firstXtick, double firstYtick, int xprec, int yprec) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2S F,
                    double xmin,
                    double xmax,
                    long type)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F, double xmin, double xmax, long type) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2S F)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2S F,
                    double xmin,
                    double xmax)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F, double xmin, double xmax) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2S F,
                    long type)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F, long type) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2V XY,
                    double tmin,
                    double tmax,
                    long type)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY, double tmin, double tmax, long type) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2V XY)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY))

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2V XY,
                    double tmin,
                    double tmax)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY, double tmin, double tmax) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2V XY,
                    long type)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY, long type) )

 o fDisk
 public void fDisk(double x,
                   double y,
                   double radius)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double radius) )

 o fDisk
 public void fDisk(double x,
                   double y,
                   double a,
                   double b)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double a, double b) )

 o fDisk
 public void fDisk(double x,
                   double y,
                   double radius,
                   long type)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double radius, long type) )

 o fDisk
 public void fDisk(double x,
                   double y,
                   double a,
                   double b,
                   long type)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double a, double b, long type) )

 o fEnv
 public void fEnv(Object key,
                  Object value)
Shortform for append(new fEnv(Object key, Object value) )

 o fEnv
 public void fEnv(Object key,
                  int value)
Shortform for append(new fEnv(Object key, int value) )

 o fEnv
 public void fEnv(Object key,
                  double value)
Shortform for append(new fEnv(Object key, double value) )

 o fLabel
 public void fLabel(double x,
                    double y,
                    String str)
Shortform for append(new fLabel(double x, double y, String str) )

 o fLabel
 public void fLabel(double x,
                    double y,
                    String just,
                    String str)
Shortform for append(new fLabel(double x, double y, String just, String str) )

 o fLine
 public void fLine(double from[],
                   double to[])
Shortform for append(new fLine(double from[], double to[]) )

 o fLine
 public void fLine(double x1,
                   double y1,
                   double x2,
                   double y2)
Shortform for append(new fLine(double x1, double y1, double x2,double y2) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double list[][])
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double list[][],
                      int nopoints)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list, int nopoints) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double list[][],
                      int nopoints,
                      long type)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list, int nopoints, long type) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double list[][],
                      int nopoints,
                      long type,
                      Color color)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list, int nopoints, long type, Color color) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double xlist[],
                      double ylist[],
                      int nopoints)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[] xlist, double[] ylist, int nopoints) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double xlist[],
                      double ylist[],
                      int nopoints,
                      long type)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[] xlist, double[] ylist, int nopoints, long type) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double xlist[],
                      double ylist[],
                      int nopoints,
                      long type,
                      Color color)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[] xlist, double[] ylist, int nopoints, long type, Color color) )

 o fRotate
 public void fRotate(double angle)
Shortform for append(new fRotate(double angle) )

 o fScale
 public void fScale(double xfactor,
                    double yfactor)
Shortform for append(new fScale(double xfactor, double yfactor) )

 o fSetPatch2parent
 public void fSetPatch2parent(V2V coordmap)
Shortform for append(new fSetPatch2parent(V2V coordmap) )

 o fSquiggle
 public void fSquiggle(double x1,
                       double y1,
                       double x2,
                       double y2)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(double x1, double y1, double x2,double y2) )

 o fSquiggle
 public void fSquiggle(double from[],
                       double to[],
                       double height,
                       int nobumps)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(double from[], double to[], double height, int nobumps) )

 o fSquiggle
 public void fSquiggle(double x1,
                       double y1,
                       double x2,
                       double y2,
                       double height,
                       int nobumps)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(double x1, double y1, double x2,double y2, double height, int nobumps) )

 o fSquiggle
 public void fSquiggle(S2V centerline,
                       S2V normal,
                       double height,
                       int nobumps)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(S2V centerline, S2V normal , double height, int nobumps) )

 o fSquiggle
 public void fSquiggle(S2V centerline,
                       S2V normal,
                       double tmin,
                       double tmax,
                       double height,
                       int nobumps)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(S2V centerline, S2V normal , double tmin, double tmax, double height, int nobumps)

 o fTeXlabel
 public void fTeXlabel(double x,
                       double y,
                       String str)
Shortform for append(new fTeXlabel(double x, double y, String str) )

 o fTeXlabel
 public void fTeXlabel(double x,
                       double y,
                       String just,
                       String str)
Shortform for append(new fTeXlabel(double x, double y, String just, String str) )

 o fTeXlabel
 public void fTeXlabel(double x,
                       double y,
                       String just,
                       String str,
                       String screenStr)
Shortform for append(new fTeXlabel(double x, double y, String just, String str, String screenStr) )

 o fTranslate
 public void fTranslate(double x,
                        double y)
Shortform for append(new fTtranslate(double x, double y) )

 o drawgfx
 public void drawgfx(Figure fig,
                     Hashtable parentEnv,
                     V2V parent2dvc)
 o drawps
 public String drawps(Figure fig,
                      Hashtable parentEnv,
                      V2V parent2dvc)
 o writeLbl
 public String writeLbl(Figure fig,
                        Hashtable parentEnv,
                        V2V parent2dvc)

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