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Class figPac.Figure


public class Figure
extends Canvas
implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
A Figure is to be thought of as a sequence of figure elements. Technically, a figure element is any instance of any class that implements the interface fElement. Most figure elements will be lines, polygons, arcs and so on. I have provided classes for these standard figure elements. As well there is an fElement, called fEnv, that is used to change the drawing environment (that is, to change fonts, colours and so on) and fElements, like fRotate, fTranslate and fScale, that are used to change the coordinate system. Finally there is a special fElement, called fSubFigure, that creates a subfigure, which itself consists of a sequence of fElements. It is designed to allow recursive use, so that you can have subfigures of subfigures of subfigures and so on.

Variable Index

 o adobe2tex
The factor converting Adobe to Tex points.
 o backgroundEnv
The table of environment variables for the backgroundImg.
 o backgroundImg
An offscreen Image for use as a background.
 o backgroundUsr2dvc
The map from user to device coordinates taking into account changes made by the fElements of the background.
 o baseUsr2dvc
The map from user to device coordinates before any changes are made by fElements or by dragging or zooming.
 o bottommargin
The size of the bottom margin in pixels
 o cm2pix
The factor converting centimeters to pixels.
 o current_zoom
 o defaultBgColor
The default screen foreground colour.
 o defaultFgColor
The default screen background colour.
 o defaultFont
The default screen font.
 o defaultPsFont
The default PostScript font.
 o dragZoomMap
The map that implements coordinate changes due to dragging and zooming.
 o elements
The list of figure elements
 o env
The table of environment variables.
 o gfx
The Graphics instance for the offscreen Image img.
 o img
An offscreen Image for double buffering.
 o in2pix
The factor converting inches to pixels.
 o leftmargin
The size of the left margin in pixels
 o max_zoom
 o min_zoom
 o psFileIsStandAlone
If you wish your to embed your ps file in, for example, a TeX file, psFileIsStandAlone should be false; otherwise otherwise, it should be true.
 o pt2pix
The factor converting Adobe points to pixels.
 o rightmargin
The size of the right margin in pixels
 o showCanvasBoundary
Turns display of canvas boundary on/off
 o showCoords
Turns the coordinate display on/off
 o showFigureBoundary
Turns display of figure boundary (excluding margins) on/off
 o topmargin
The size of the top margin in pixels
 o useDrag
Turns drag on/off
 o useZoom
Turns zoom on/off
 o usr2dvc
The map from user to device coordinates taking into account changes made by fElements and dragging or zooming.
 o xmax
The largest value of the x coordinate.
 o xmin
The smallest value of the x coordinate.
 o xsize
The width of the image, excluding margins, in pixels.
 o Xsize
The width of the canvas (including margins) in pixels.
 o ymax
The largest value of the y coordinate.
 o ymin
The smallest value of the y coordinate.
 o Ysize
The height of the canvas (including margins) in pixels.
 o ysize
The height of the image, excluding margins, in pixels.
 o zoom_factor

Constructor Index

 o Figure()
This method creates an empty figure that is 5.5 inches wide and 4.5 inches high that will NOT be displayed on the screen.
 o Figure(Container)
This method creates an empty figure that is 5.5 inches wide and 4.5 inches high that will be displayed on the screen.
 o Figure(Container, double, double)
This method creates an empty figure that is x inches wide and y inches high and that will be displayed on the screen.
 o Figure(Container, double, double, String)
This method creates an empty figure that is x units wide and y units high and that will be displayed on the screen.
 o Figure(double, double)
This method creates an empty figure that is x inches wide and y inches high and that will NOT be displayed on the screen.
 o Figure(double, double, String)
This method creates an empty figure that is x units wide and y units high and that will NOT be displayed on the screen.

Method Index

 o addActionListener(ActionListener)
 o append(fElement)
Appends an element to the figure.
 o bottommargin(double)
Sets the amount of white space at the bottom of the canvas.
 o bottommargin(double, String)
Sets the amount of white space at the bottom of the canvas.
 o clear()
Deletes all figure elements from the figure.
 o clearEnv()
Clears the table of environment variables.
 o fArrow(double, double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fArrow(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) )
 o fArrow(double[], double[])
Shortform for append(new fArrow(double from[], double to[]) )
 o fArrowhead(double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double x, double y, double angle) )
 o fArrowhead(double, double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double xcentre, double ycentre, double xto, double yto) )
 o fArrowhead(double[], double)
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double centre[], double angle) )
 o fArrowhead(double[], double[])
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double centre[], double[] to) )
 o fAxes()
Shortform for append(new fAxes() )
 o fAxes(String, String)
Shortform for append(new fAxes(String xlabel, String ylabel) )
 o fAxes(String, String, double, double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fAxes(String xlabel, String ylabel, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) )
 o fAxes(String, String, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, int)
Shortform for append(new fAxes(String xlabel, String ylabel, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double xintvl, double yintvl, double firstXtick, double firstYtick, int xprec, int yprec) )
 o fCurve(S2S)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F) )
 o fCurve(S2S, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F, double xmin, double xmax) )
 o fCurve(S2S, double, double, long)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F, double xmin, double xmax, long type) )
 o fCurve(S2S, long)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F, long type) )
 o fCurve(S2V)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY))
 o fCurve(S2V, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY, double tmin, double tmax) )
 o fCurve(S2V, double, double, long)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY, double tmin, double tmax, long type) )
 o fCurve(S2V, long)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY, long type) )
 o fDisk(double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double radius) )
 o fDisk(double, double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double a, double b) )
 o fDisk(double, double, double, double, long)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double a, double b, long type) )
 o fDisk(double, double, double, long)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double radius, long type) )
 o fEnv(Object, double)
Shortform for append(new fEnv(Object key, double value) )
 o fEnv(Object, int)
Shortform for append(new fEnv(Object key, int value) )
 o fEnv(Object, Object)
Shortform for append(new fEnv(Object key, Object value) )
 o fLabel(double, double, String)
Shortform for append(new fLabel(double x, double y, String str) )
 o fLabel(double, double, String, String)
Shortform for append(new fLabel(double x, double y, String just, String str) )
 o fLine(double, double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fLine(double x1, double y1, double x2,double y2) )
 o fLine(double[], double[])
Shortform for append(new fLine(double from[], double to[]) )
 o fPolygon(double[], double[], int)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[] xlist, double[] ylist, int nopoints) )
 o fPolygon(double[], double[], int, long)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[] xlist, double[] ylist, int nopoints, long type) )
 o fPolygon(double[], double[], int, long, Color)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[] xlist, double[] ylist, int nopoints, long type, Color color) )
 o fPolygon(double[][])
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list) )
 o fPolygon(double[][], int)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list, int nopoints) )
 o fPolygon(double[][], int, long)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list, int nopoints, long type) )
 o fPolygon(double[][], int, long, Color)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list, int nopoints, long type, Color color) )
 o fSetUsr2dvc(V2V)
Shortform for append(new fSetUsr2dvc(V2V coordmap) )
 o fSquiggle(double, double, double, double)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(double x1, double y1, double x2,double y2) )
 o fSquiggle(double, double, double, double, double, int)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(double x1, double y1, double x2,double y2, double height, int nobumps) )
 o fSquiggle(double[], double[], double, int)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(double from[], double to[], double height, int nobumps) )
 o fSquiggle(S2V, S2V, double, double, double, int)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(S2V centerline, S2V normal , double tmin, double tmax, double height, int nobumps)
 o fSquiggle(S2V, S2V, double, int)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(S2V centerline, S2V normal , double height, int nobumps) )
 o fTeXlabel(double, double, String)
Shortform for append(new fTeXlabel(double x, double y, String str) )
 o fTeXlabel(double, double, String, String)
Shortform for append(new fTeXlabel(double x, double y, String just, String str) )
 o fTeXlabel(double, double, String, String, String)
Shortform for append(new fTeXlabel(double x, double y, String just, String str, String screenStr) )
 o getMinimumSize()
 o getPreferredSize()
 o initEnv()
Initializes the table of environment variables.
 o label(double[], String, String, V2V)
Draws a label to the screen.
 o leftmargin(double)
Sets the amount of white space at the left of the canvas.
 o leftmargin(double, String)
Sets the amount of white space at the left of the canvas.
 o limits(double, double, double, double)
Sets the baseUsr2dvc so that the left hand edge of the figure is x=xmin etc.
 o line(double[], double[], V2V)
Draws a line to the screen.
 o margins(double, double, double, double, String)
Sets the margins between the boundary of the canvas and the boundary of the figure.
 o mouseClicked(MouseEvent)
 o mouseDragged(MouseEvent)
 o mouseEntered(MouseEvent)
 o mouseExited(MouseEvent)
 o mouseMoved(MouseEvent)
 o mousePressed(MouseEvent)
 o mouseReleased(MouseEvent)
 o paint(Graphics)
 o removeActionListener(ActionListener)
 o resetZoom()
 o reSizeCanvas(double, double)
 o reSizeCanvas(double, double, String)
 o rightmargin(double)
Sets the amount of white space at the right of the canvas.
 o rightmargin(double, String)
Sets the amount of white space at the right of the canvas.
 o rotate(double)
Rotates baseUsr2dvc - the initial usr2dvc coordinate map that is used each time the figure is drawn.
 o scale(double, double)
Scales baseUsr2dvc - the initial usr2dvc coordinate map that is used each time the figure is drawn.
 o setBackground(int)
Draws the first n fElements of elements to the backgroundImg, using the current drawing environment, margins etc.
 o setBaseUsr2dvc(V2V)
Sets the baseUsr2dvc to the specified V2V.
 o setPrecision()
 o stopZoom()
 o toLbl()
Returns a string containing TeX label information in the format used by figMac.tex (a macro package for insertion of PostScript figures in tex files).
 o toLbl(String)
Returns a string containing TeX label information in the format used by figMac.tex (a macro package for insertion of PostScript figures in tex files).
 o toLblFile(String)
Writes a file containing TeX label information in the format used by figMac.tex (a macro package for insertion of PostScript figures in tex files).
 o toLblFile(String, String)
Writes a file containing TeX label information in the format used by figMac.tex (a macro package for insertion of PostScript figures in tex files).
 o topmargin(double)
Sets the amount of white space at the top of the canvas.
 o topmargin(double, String)
Sets the amount of white space at the top of the canvas.
 o toPs()
Returns a string that realises the current figure in PostScript.
 o toPs(String)
Returns a string that realises the current figure in PostScript.
 o toPsFile(String)
Writes a file that realises the current figure in PostScript.
 o toPsFile(String, String)
Writes a file that realises the current figure in PostScript.
 o toPsLblFiles(String)
Writes two files, one realising the current figure in PostScript and the other containing TeX label information in the format used by figMac.tex (a macro package for insertion of PostScript figures in tex files).
 o toScreen()
Draws the current figure to the screen.
 o translate(double, double)
Translates baseUsr2dvc - the initial usr2dvc coordinate map that is used each time the figure is drawn.
 o update(Graphics)


 o img
 public Image img
An offscreen Image for double buffering.

 o gfx
 public Graphics gfx
The Graphics instance for the offscreen Image img.

 o backgroundImg
 public Image backgroundImg
An offscreen Image for use as a background.

 o elements
 public Vector elements
The list of figure elements

 o env
 public Hashtable env
The table of environment variables.

 o backgroundEnv
 public Hashtable backgroundEnv
The table of environment variables for the backgroundImg.

 o xsize
 public int xsize
The width of the image, excluding margins, in pixels.

 o ysize
 public int ysize
The height of the image, excluding margins, in pixels.

 o Xsize
 public int Xsize
The width of the canvas (including margins) in pixels.

 o Ysize
 public int Ysize
The height of the canvas (including margins) in pixels.

 o topmargin
 public double topmargin
The size of the top margin in pixels

 o leftmargin
 public double leftmargin
The size of the left margin in pixels

 o bottommargin
 public double bottommargin
The size of the bottom margin in pixels

 o rightmargin
 public double rightmargin
The size of the right margin in pixels

 o baseUsr2dvc
 public V2V baseUsr2dvc
The map from user to device coordinates before any changes are made by fElements or by dragging or zooming. The default has the origin at the lower left corner of the figure and uses Adobe point units.

 o dragZoomMap
 public Affine2dV2V dragZoomMap
The map that implements coordinate changes due to dragging and zooming. The default is the identity.

 o usr2dvc
 public V2V usr2dvc
The map from user to device coordinates taking into account changes made by fElements and dragging or zooming.

 o backgroundUsr2dvc
 public V2V backgroundUsr2dvc
The map from user to device coordinates taking into account changes made by the fElements of the background.

 o xmin
 public double xmin
The smallest value of the x coordinate.

 o xmax
 public double xmax
The largest value of the x coordinate.

 o ymin
 public double ymin
The smallest value of the y coordinate.

 o ymax
 public double ymax
The largest value of the y coordinate.

 o pt2pix
 public double pt2pix
The factor converting Adobe points to pixels.

 o in2pix
 public double in2pix
The factor converting inches to pixels.

 o cm2pix
 public double cm2pix
The factor converting centimeters to pixels.

 o adobe2tex
 public static double adobe2tex
The factor converting Adobe to Tex points.

 o defaultFgColor
 public Color defaultFgColor
The default screen background colour.

 o defaultBgColor
 public Color defaultBgColor
The default screen foreground colour.

 o defaultFont
 public Font defaultFont
The default screen font.

 o defaultPsFont
 public String defaultPsFont
The default PostScript font.

 o showCoords
 public boolean showCoords
Turns the coordinate display on/off

 o useZoom
 public boolean useZoom
Turns zoom on/off

 o useDrag
 public boolean useDrag
Turns drag on/off

 o showCanvasBoundary
 public boolean showCanvasBoundary
Turns display of canvas boundary on/off

 o showFigureBoundary
 public boolean showFigureBoundary
Turns display of figure boundary (excluding margins) on/off

 o zoom_factor
 public double zoom_factor
 o current_zoom
 public double current_zoom
 o max_zoom
 public double max_zoom
 o min_zoom
 public double min_zoom
 public static long OPEN
 public static long CLOSED
 public static long FILLED
 o psFileIsStandAlone
 public boolean psFileIsStandAlone
If you wish your to embed your ps file in, for example, a TeX file, psFileIsStandAlone should be false; otherwise otherwise, it should be true.


 o Figure
 public Figure(Container container)
This method creates an empty figure that is 5.5 inches wide and 4.5 inches high that will be displayed on the screen.

 o Figure
 public Figure()
This method creates an empty figure that is 5.5 inches wide and 4.5 inches high that will NOT be displayed on the screen.

 o Figure
 public Figure(Container container,
               double x,
               double y)
This method creates an empty figure that is x inches wide and y inches high and that will be displayed on the screen.

container - The container (usually an Applet) that is to contain the figure.
x - The width of the figure in inches.
y - The height of the figure in inches.
 o Figure
 public Figure(double x,
               double y)
This method creates an empty figure that is x inches wide and y inches high and that will NOT be displayed on the screen.

x - The width of the figure in inches.
y - The height of the figure in inches.
 o Figure
 public Figure(double x,
               double y,
               String units)
This method creates an empty figure that is x units wide and y units high and that will NOT be displayed on the screen.

x - The width of the figure in units.
y - The height of the figure in units.
units - At the present time the following units are supported: "in" (inches) "cm" (centimeters), "pt" (Adobe points, i.e. 1/72 inch) and "px" (pixel). Until netscape starts allowing resizing of applets, I will assume that all screens are 90dpi.
 o Figure
 public Figure(Container container,
               double x,
               double y,
               String units)
This method creates an empty figure that is x units wide and y units high and that will be displayed on the screen.

container - The Container (usually an Applet) that is to contain the figure.
x - The width of the figure in units.
y - The height of the figure in units.
units - At the present time the following units are supported: "in" (inches) "cm" (centimeters), "pt" (Adobe points, i.e. 1/72 inch) and "px" (pixel). Until netscape starts allowing resizing of applets, I will assume that all screens are 90dpi.


 o limits
 public void limits(double xmin,
                    double ymin,
                    double xmax,
                    double ymax)
Sets the baseUsr2dvc so that the left hand edge of the figure is x=xmin etc.

 o setBaseUsr2dvc
 public void setBaseUsr2dvc(V2V coordmap)
Sets the baseUsr2dvc to the specified V2V.

 o translate
 public void translate(double x,
                       double y)
Translates baseUsr2dvc - the initial usr2dvc coordinate map that is used each time the figure is drawn.

 o rotate
 public void rotate(double angle)
Rotates baseUsr2dvc - the initial usr2dvc coordinate map that is used each time the figure is drawn.

 o scale
 public void scale(double xfactor,
                   double yfactor)
Scales baseUsr2dvc - the initial usr2dvc coordinate map that is used each time the figure is drawn.

 o reSizeCanvas
 public void reSizeCanvas(double x,
                          double y)
 o reSizeCanvas
 public void reSizeCanvas(double x,
                          double y,
                          String units)
 o margins
 public void margins(double top,
                     double bottom,
                     double left,
                     double right,
                     String units)
Sets the margins between the boundary of the canvas and the boundary of the figure.

top - The amount of white space at the top of the canvas. If limits(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) is used, it is also the distance between y=ymax and the top of the canvas.
bottom - The amount of white space at the bottom of the canvas. If limits(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) is used, it is also the distance between y=ymin and the bottom of the canvas.
left - The amount of white space at the left of the canvas. If limits(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) is used, it is also the distance between x=xmin and the left hand edge of the canvas.
right - The amount of white space at the right of the canvas. If limits(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) is used, it is also the distance between x=xmax and the right hand of the canvas.
units - At the present time the following units are supported: "in" (inches) "cm" (centimeters), "pt" (Adobe points, i.e. 1/72 inch) and "px" (pixel). Until netscape starts allowing resizing of applets, I will assume that all screens are 90dpi.
See Also:
 o topmargin
 public void topmargin(double size)
Sets the amount of white space at the top of the canvas.

size - The amount of white space at the top of the canvas. If limits(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) is used, it is also the distance between y=ymax and the top of the canvas.
 o topmargin
 public void topmargin(double size,
                       String units)
Sets the amount of white space at the top of the canvas.

size - The amount of white space at the top of the canvas. If limits(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) is used, it is also the distance between y=ymax and the top of the canvas.
units - At the present time the following units are supported: "in" (inches) "cm" (centimeters), "pt" (Adobe points, i.e. 1/72 inch) and "px" (pixel). Until netscape starts allowing resizing of applets, I will assume that all screens are 90dpi.
 o bottommargin
 public void bottommargin(double size)
Sets the amount of white space at the bottom of the canvas.

size - The amount of white space at the bottom of the canvas. If limits(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) is used, it is also the distance between y=ymin and the bottom of the canvas.
 o bottommargin
 public void bottommargin(double size,
                          String units)
Sets the amount of white space at the bottom of the canvas.

size - The amount of white space at the bottom of the canvas. If limits(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) is used, it is also the distance between y=ymin and the bottom of the canvas.
units - At the present time the following units are supported: "in" (inches) "cm" (centimeters), "pt" (Adobe points, i.e. 1/72 inch) and "px" (pixel). Until netscape starts allowing resizing of applets, I will assume that all screens are 90dpi.
 o leftmargin
 public void leftmargin(double size)
Sets the amount of white space at the left of the canvas.

size - The amount of white space at the left of the canvas. If limits(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) is used, it is also the distance between x=xmin and the left of the canvas.
 o leftmargin
 public void leftmargin(double size,
                        String units)
Sets the amount of white space at the left of the canvas.

size - The amount of white space at the left of the canvas. If limits(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) is used, it is also the distance between x=xmin and the left of the canvas.
units - At the present time the following units are supported: "in" (inches) "cm" (centimeters), "pt" (Adobe points, i.e. 1/72 inch) and "px" (pixel). Until netscape starts allowing resizing of applets, I will assume that all screens are 90dpi.
 o rightmargin
 public void rightmargin(double size)
Sets the amount of white space at the right of the canvas.

size - The amount of white space at the right of the canvas. If limits(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) is used, it is also the distance between x=xmax and the right of the canvas.
 o rightmargin
 public void rightmargin(double size,
                         String units)
Sets the amount of white space at the right of the canvas.

size - The amount of white space at the right of the canvas. If limits(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) is used, it is also the distance between x=xmax and the right of the canvas.
units - At the present time the following units are supported: "in" (inches) "cm" (centimeters), "pt" (Adobe points, i.e. 1/72 inch) and "px" (pixel). Until netscape starts allowing resizing of applets, I will assume that all screens are 90dpi.
 o append
 public void append(fElement nextelement)
Appends an element to the figure.

 o clear
 public void clear()
Deletes all figure elements from the figure.

 o clearEnv
 public void clearEnv()
Clears the table of environment variables.

 o initEnv
 public void initEnv()
Initializes the table of environment variables.

 o fArrow
 public void fArrow(double from[],
                    double to[])
Shortform for append(new fArrow(double from[], double to[]) )

 o fArrow
 public void fArrow(double x1,
                    double y1,
                    double x2,
                    double y2)
Shortform for append(new fArrow(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) )

 o fArrowhead
 public void fArrowhead(double centre[],
                        double angle)
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double centre[], double angle) )

 o fArrowhead
 public void fArrowhead(double x,
                        double y,
                        double angle)
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double x, double y, double angle) )

 o fArrowhead
 public void fArrowhead(double centre[],
                        double to[])
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double centre[], double[] to) )

 o fArrowhead
 public void fArrowhead(double xcentre,
                        double ycentre,
                        double xto,
                        double yto)
Shortform for append(new fArrowhead(double xcentre, double ycentre, double xto, double yto) )

 o fAxes
 public void fAxes()
Shortform for append(new fAxes() )

 o fAxes
 public void fAxes(String xlabel,
                   String ylabel)
Shortform for append(new fAxes(String xlabel, String ylabel) )

 o fAxes
 public void fAxes(String xlabel,
                   String ylabel,
                   double xmin,
                   double xmax,
                   double ymin,
                   double ymax)
Shortform for append(new fAxes(String xlabel, String ylabel, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) )

 o fAxes
 public void fAxes(String xlabel,
                   String ylabel,
                   double xmin,
                   double xmax,
                   double ymin,
                   double ymax,
                   double xintvl,
                   double yintvl,
                   double firstXtick,
                   double firstYtick,
                   int xprec,
                   int yprec)
Shortform for append(new fAxes(String xlabel, String ylabel, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double xintvl, double yintvl, double firstXtick, double firstYtick, int xprec, int yprec) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2S F,
                    double xmin,
                    double xmax,
                    long type)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F, double xmin, double xmax, long type) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2S F)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2S F,
                    double xmin,
                    double xmax)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F, double xmin, double xmax) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2S F,
                    long type)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2S F, long type) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2V XY,
                    double tmin,
                    double tmax,
                    long type)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY, double tmin, double tmax, long type) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2V XY)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY))

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2V XY,
                    double tmin,
                    double tmax)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY, double tmin, double tmax) )

 o fCurve
 public void fCurve(S2V XY,
                    long type)
Shortform for append(new fCurve(S2V XY, long type) )

 o fDisk
 public void fDisk(double x,
                   double y,
                   double radius)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double radius) )

 o fDisk
 public void fDisk(double x,
                   double y,
                   double a,
                   double b)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double a, double b) )

 o fDisk
 public void fDisk(double x,
                   double y,
                   double radius,
                   long type)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double radius, long type) )

 o fDisk
 public void fDisk(double x,
                   double y,
                   double a,
                   double b,
                   long type)
Shortform for append(new fDisk(double x, double y, double a, double b, long type) )

 o fEnv
 public void fEnv(Object key,
                  Object value)
Shortform for append(new fEnv(Object key, Object value) )

 o fEnv
 public void fEnv(Object key,
                  int value)
Shortform for append(new fEnv(Object key, int value) )

 o fEnv
 public void fEnv(Object key,
                  double value)
Shortform for append(new fEnv(Object key, double value) )

 o fLabel
 public void fLabel(double x,
                    double y,
                    String str)
Shortform for append(new fLabel(double x, double y, String str) )

 o fLabel
 public void fLabel(double x,
                    double y,
                    String just,
                    String str)
Shortform for append(new fLabel(double x, double y, String just, String str) )

 o fLine
 public void fLine(double from[],
                   double to[])
Shortform for append(new fLine(double from[], double to[]) )

 o fLine
 public void fLine(double x1,
                   double y1,
                   double x2,
                   double y2)
Shortform for append(new fLine(double x1, double y1, double x2,double y2) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double list[][])
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double list[][],
                      int nopoints)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list, int nopoints) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double list[][],
                      int nopoints,
                      long type)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list, int nopoints, long type) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double list[][],
                      int nopoints,
                      long type,
                      Color color)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[][] list, int nopoints, long type, Color color) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double xlist[],
                      double ylist[],
                      int nopoints)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[] xlist, double[] ylist, int nopoints) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double xlist[],
                      double ylist[],
                      int nopoints,
                      long type)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[] xlist, double[] ylist, int nopoints, long type) )

 o fPolygon
 public void fPolygon(double xlist[],
                      double ylist[],
                      int nopoints,
                      long type,
                      Color color)
Shortform for append(new fPolygon(double[] xlist, double[] ylist, int nopoints, long type, Color color) )

 o fSetUsr2dvc
 public void fSetUsr2dvc(V2V coordmap)
Shortform for append(new fSetUsr2dvc(V2V coordmap) )

 o fSquiggle
 public void fSquiggle(double x1,
                       double y1,
                       double x2,
                       double y2)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(double x1, double y1, double x2,double y2) )

 o fSquiggle
 public void fSquiggle(double from[],
                       double to[],
                       double height,
                       int nobumps)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(double from[], double to[], double height, int nobumps) )

 o fSquiggle
 public void fSquiggle(double x1,
                       double y1,
                       double x2,
                       double y2,
                       double height,
                       int nobumps)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(double x1, double y1, double x2,double y2, double height, int nobumps) )

 o fSquiggle
 public void fSquiggle(S2V centerline,
                       S2V normal,
                       double height,
                       int nobumps)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(S2V centerline, S2V normal , double height, int nobumps) )

 o fSquiggle
 public void fSquiggle(S2V centerline,
                       S2V normal,
                       double tmin,
                       double tmax,
                       double height,
                       int nobumps)
Shortform for append(new fSquiggle(S2V centerline, S2V normal , double tmin, double tmax, double height, int nobumps)

 o fTeXlabel
 public void fTeXlabel(double x,
                       double y,
                       String str)
Shortform for append(new fTeXlabel(double x, double y, String str) )

 o fTeXlabel
 public void fTeXlabel(double x,
                       double y,
                       String just,
                       String str)
Shortform for append(new fTeXlabel(double x, double y, String just, String str) )

 o fTeXlabel
 public void fTeXlabel(double x,
                       double y,
                       String just,
                       String str,
                       String screenStr)
Shortform for append(new fTeXlabel(double x, double y, String just, String str, String screenStr) )

 o toScreen
 public synchronized void toScreen()
Draws the current figure to the screen.

 o setBackground
 public void setBackground(int n)
Draws the first n fElements of elements to the backgroundImg, using the current drawing environment, margins etc.

 o toPs
 public String toPs()
Returns a string that realises the current figure in PostScript.

 o toPs
 public String toPs(String title)
Returns a string that realises the current figure in PostScript.

title - The title that is put into the PostScript title comment near the beginning of the string.
 o toPsFile
 public void toPsFile(String fileName)
Writes a file that realises the current figure in PostScript. May not be used in an applet.

fileName - The name of the file to be written to.
 o toPsFile
 public void toPsFile(String fileName,
                      String title)
Writes a file that realises the current figure in PostScript. May not be used in an applet.

fileName - The name of the file to be written to.
title - The title that is put into the PostScript title comment near the beginning of the file.
 o toLbl
 public String toLbl()
Returns a string containing TeX label information in the format used by figMac.tex (a macro package for insertion of PostScript figures in tex files).

 o toLbl
 public String toLbl(String title)
Returns a string containing TeX label information in the format used by figMac.tex (a macro package for insertion of PostScript figures in tex files).

title - The title that is put into a comment near the beginning of the string.
 o toLblFile
 public void toLblFile(String fileName)
Writes a file containing TeX label information in the format used by figMac.tex (a macro package for insertion of PostScript figures in tex files). May not be used in an applet.

fileName - The name of the file to be written to.
 o toLblFile
 public void toLblFile(String fileName,
                       String title)
Writes a file containing TeX label information in the format used by figMac.tex (a macro package for insertion of PostScript figures in tex files). May not be used in an applet.

fileName - The name of the file to be written to.
title - The title that is put into a comment.
 o toPsLblFiles
 public void toPsLblFiles(String name)
Writes two files, one realising the current figure in PostScript and the other containing TeX label information in the format used by figMac.tex (a macro package for insertion of PostScript figures in tex files). May not be used in an applet.

name - The ps file will be named and the lbl file will be named name.lbl.
 o label
 public void label(double usrxy[],
                   String just,
                   String str,
                   V2V usr2pxl)
Draws a label to the screen.

usrxy - The user coordinates of the point in the label determined by the argument just.
just - The justification of the label. For example if the value of just is "rt" then usrxy are the coordinates of the top right hand corner of the label. This parameter must be a string of two characters. One of the two characters must be one of r (meaning right), c (meaning center) and l (meaning left). The other character must be one of t (meaning top), c (meaning center) and b (meaning bottom).
str - The label itself.
usr2pxl - The map from user to screen coordinates.
 o line
 public void line(double from[],
                  double to[],
                  V2V usr2pxl)
Draws a line to the screen.

from - A two component array giving the user coordinates of one end of the line.
to - A two component array giving the user coordinates of the other end of the line.
usr2pxl - The map from user to screen coordinates.
 o mouseEntered
 public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt)
 o mouseExited
 public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt)
 o mouseMoved
 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt)
 o addActionListener
 public void addActionListener(ActionListener l)
 o removeActionListener
 public void removeActionListener(ActionListener l)
 o resetZoom
 public void resetZoom()
 o setPrecision
 public void setPrecision()
 o stopZoom
 public void stopZoom()
 o mouseClicked
 public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt)
 o mousePressed
 public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt)
 o mouseDragged
 public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt)
 o mouseReleased
 public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt)
 o getMinimumSize
 public Dimension getMinimumSize()
getMinimumSize in class Component
 o getPreferredSize
 public Dimension getPreferredSize()
getPreferredSize in class Component
 o update
 public void update(Graphics g)
update in class Component
 o paint
 public void paint(Graphics g)
paint in class Canvas

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