Numerical linear algebra and applications
August 4-8, 2003 at UBC

A workshop sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) will take place at UBC in early August. The theme is numerical linear algebra and related areas of applications. The meeting will feature two short courses, and a mixture of survey talks and advanced talks. Students and postdocs are strongly encouraged to participate in this workshop.

We have a great list of speakers and about 70 registered participants and speakers so far. There are about 10 more spots left. If you are interested to register (no registration fee) and/or learn more about the workshop please point your browser to the workshop Webpage:

Topics that are covered include iterative and direct solvers, preconditioning techniques, eigenvalue problems, numerical solution of ill-posed problems, PDE constrainted optimization, Algebraic Multigrid, and a variety of applications.

Dates: August 5-8, 2003 (Aug. 4: Registration and Reception) Organizer: Chen Greif, Computer Science Department, UBC

Invited Speakers:
Uri Ascher, The University of British Columbia
Michele Benzi, Emory University
Xiao-Wen Chang, McGill University
Edmond Chow, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Iain Duff, CERFACS, France
Gene Golub, Stanford University
Anne Greenbaum, Washington University
Eldad Haber, Emory University
Misha Kilmer, Tufts University
Scott MacLachlan, Colorado University
Peyman Milanfar, University of California Santa Cruz
Michael Overton, New-York University
Alison Ramage, Strathclyde University, Scotland

Short courses: (3 hours each)
Alison Ramage, An Introduction to Iterative Solvers and Preconditioners
Eldad Haber, An Introduction to PDE Constrained Optimization

For registration, tentative program, and more information, please point your browser to the workshop's Webpage:

Further details of the meeting will be sent directly to the registered participants list by e-mail.

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Last updated 7 July, 2003