





The Mathematics of Bubbles

Hello everyone, this is Alfred Chan's main page for the final Math 309 project. Basically, it focuses on the mathematics and physics of bubbles in fluid. To be more concise, it is about the bubbles one finds on the top of drinks such as beer and coke. You may or may not have noticed that the bubbles are different in colour to the liquid. This project hopes to clear the mystery that has plagued mankind: Why are the colour of bubbles in beer ( coke ) different than the beer ( coke )??

You can either follow the links on the left sidebar or read on in this main page.

This is the website that inspired me for this project:
The Black Stuff?

To understand this phenomenon, one needs to know two basic physical properties of rays: Refraction and Reflection. These two properties are essential to explaining what exactly happens to light when it hits the bubbles. I have made separate links to them, and they are essential to understanding the bubble phenomenon.

The concept of Mie Scattering is essential to understanding the mathematics behind beer bubbles.

Here is MY explanation of bubbles:
The Beer Bubbles Project

All images were created with postscript or Microsoft Paint, except for the real images of beer, which were found on Google Image Search. Those images are copyright of their respective owners.

Here are some of the links to the sources and references I used to create this project:
Links and Sources

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