
3:00 p.m., Friday (November 14, 2003)

Math Annex 1100

Oded Schramm
Microsoft Research

Scaling limits of random 2D processes

We will survey a recent theory describing precisely the scaling limits of many random systems in two dimensions. Random paths associated with each of these systems are believed to converge to a path among a one-parameter family of curves called stochastic Loewner evolution (or SLE). Several instances of this statement have been proven, for example, percolation and loop-erased random walks, while others are still conjectural, e.g., the Ising and Potts models and the self-avoiding walk. The theory is useful, mainly because the SLE description facilitates explicit calculations of properties of the scaling limits.

Refreshments will be served at 2:45 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge, Math Annex (Room 1115).

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