Password Hasher

You may have been referred here to help you set an account password. This web application generates a cryptographic hash of a chosen password that can be securely communicated over insecure mediums such as Email.

these are more secure methods as your password never leaves your computer, but you'll need to have the prerequisite Unix utilities installed. If not, go to the next section ...
	These are the various commands that might work on your Unix
	computer -- not all these commands may be available, so find
	one that works.  (Replace XX with your password in these

	# Perl
	perl -e '@u=(".","/","0".."9","A".."Z","a".."z");$s.=$u[rand @u]
		for 1..16; print crypt("XX","\$6\$$s")."\n"'

	# Python (older/newer version)
	python -c 'import base64,crypt,os;print crypt.crypt("XX","$6$"
	python -c 'import crypt;print(crypt.crypt("XX",crypt.mksalt

	# PHP (various versions: first variant is most likely to work)
	php -r 'echo crypt("XX","$6$".base64_encode(file_get_contents(
	php -r 'echo crypt("XX","$6$".base64_encode(pack("N3",mt_rand(),
	php -r 'echo crypt("XX","$6$".base64_encode(random_bytes(12))),"\n";'

	# Dovecot
	doveadm pw -s SHA512-CRYPT

	# Various Linux utilities
	echo ':XX' | chpasswd -c SHA512 -S | tr -d :
	/sbin/grub-crypt --sha-512
	mkpasswd -m sha-512

Use these online method(s) if the above methods don't work for you.

This application will not accept weak passwords. Your password must have at least 10 characters, and have at least one lower case, one upper case, one digit and one non-alphanumeric character.

Enter password:

  1. Your javascript has been disabled: you cannot use your browser to generate the hash. If you would like to use this method, enable Javascript, then reload this page.

  2. Your browser will send your password to our web server to generate the hash, then send the results back to you over a secure web connection. However, should you trust us?

Cut&paste the following hash and send it back to us: