UBC Probability seminar


Location: PIMS Lounge
Time: Wednesdays, 15:15–16:05

Upcoming Talks

Past Talks

April 12 Jason Schweinsberg (UCSD)
Asymptotics for the site frequency spectrum associated with the genealogy of a birth and death process
April 5 Jacopo Borga (Stanford)
Long increasing subsequences in universal Brownian-type permutations
April 3 (Special colloqiuium: 3PM, MATX 1100) Emmanuel Michta (UBC)
Universal finite-size scaling for the |\phi|^4 model in 4 dimensions and higher
March 29 Chris Hoffman (UW)
Abelian Networks
March 22 Sarai Hernandez Torres (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
The chemical distance in random interlacements in the low-intensity regime
March 15 Michael Choi (National University of Singapore)
Systematic approaches to generate reversiblizations of non-reversible Markov chains
March 8 Emilio Corso (UBC)
Randomness of deterministic processes in negative curvature
March 1 Ahmed Bou-Rabee (Cornell University)
Symmetry and rigidity in sandpiles
Feb 15 Andrea Ottolini (University of Washington)
Some math behind the Zener cards
Feb 8 Jonathan Hermon (UBC)
On the universality of fluctuations for the cover time
Feb 1 János Engländer (UC Boulder)
Tree builder random walks
Jan 25 David Aldous (UC Berkeley)
The Critical Beta-Splitting Random Tree Model
Jan 18 Dor Elboim (Princeton)
Infinite cycles in the interchange process in five dimensions
Jan 11 Matt Junge (Baruch College)
Ballistic Annihilation
Dec 7 Mathav Murugan (UBC)
Conformal Assoaud dimension as the critical exponent for combinatorial modulus
Nov 23 Yinon Spinka (UBC)
Stochastic domination and (non)amenability
Nov 2 Amites Sarkar (WWU)
Bootstrap percolation in random geometric graphs
Oct 26 Anthony Quas (UVic)
Stability and Collapse of Lyapunov Spectrum
Oct 19 Mark Holmes (U. Melbourne)
Cyclic birth and death chains and a combinatorial conjecture
Oct 12 Gordon Slade (UBC)
Finite-size scaling for the 4-dimensional multicomponent hierarchical |phi|^4 model
Oct 5 Jacob Richey (UBC)
Finding the source of a random process
Sept 28 (3PM, ESB 1013) CRM Fields PIMS Prize Colloquium
Sept 21 Yucheng Liu (UBC)
Continuous-time weakly self-avoiding walk on Z has strictly monotone escape speed
Sept 15 (11AM, joint with DG/MP/PDE) Soumik Pal (UW)
Stochastic gradient descents on graphs and a new McKean-Vlasov limit
Sept 14 Alejandro Ramírez (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
KPZ fluctuations of the planar stochastic heat equation

Return to UBC Probability group
Organizer: 2022–’23: Jacob Richey
2021–’22 | 2020–’21 | 2019–’20 

2018–’19 | 2017–’18 | 2016–’17 | 2015–’16
2014–’15 | 2013–’14 | 2011–’12 | 2012–’13
2010–’11 | 2009–’10 | 2008–’09