Academic misconduct (cheating)

Academic misconduct includes any attempt to circumvent the rules put in place by the university and your course instructors to ensure fairness of evaluation for all students. Your instructors make significant efforts to deter and detect cheating, precisely because we want all students to be evaluated equitably and without unfair advantage. Your instructor, by default, absolutely desires your success in the course and will be thrilled when you do succeed; however, attempting to cheat will definitely remove your instructor from among your supporters.

There are severe penalties for acadmic misconduct, which of course you will want to avoid. Moreover, looking for ways to avoid thinking hard about homework or the midterm problems is actually throwing away opportunities that are specifically designed to give you practice for the important final exam. However, the most important reason not to attempt to cheat in your courses is because you are an ethical adult: you are aware that cheating disadvantages every other student in the course, and you choose not to do so because you personally have morals. It is your responsibility, as an ethical adult, to make yourself aware of UBC's academic misconduct policies and to understand the difference between honourable and dishonourable behavior.

UBC takes academic misconduct incidents very seriously. After due investigation, students found guilty of cheating on tests and examinations (for example) can be given a final grade of 0 in the course and suspended from UBC for one year.

Examples of academic misconduct include: