MATH 100 Section 102 Sep-Dec 2017 Lecture Summary

Date Contents
1 0905
Imagine UBC: First-day orientation
0907 outline: homepage, grading, quiz, Webwork, textbook, piazza, MLC, office hours
§1.1-1.2 tangent and instantaneous velocity, Ex 1 (briefly as motivation)
§1.3 definition of limit, Ex 1
2 0912 §1.3 Ex 2, 3, jump, one sided limits, Ex 4, oscillation, Ex 5, 5', blow up, Ex 6
§1.4 limit laws, Ex 1-3
0914 §1.4 cancellation of factors going to zero in a quotient, Ex 4-6, squeeze theorem, Ex 7-8
§1.5 definition of limit at ∞, Ex 1-5
3 0919 §1.5 nonexistence of limit at ∞, Ex 6, squeeze theorem at ∞, Ex 7
§1.6 continuity and one-sided continuity, Ex 1-4, arithmetic of continuous functions, Ex 5, composition of continuous functions, Ex 6-7
0921 §1.6 intermediate value theorem, Ex 8-10, bisection method, Ex 11
§2.1-2.3 definition of derivative, Ex 1
Quiz 1
4 0926 §2.1-2.3 more definitions, Ex 2-5, tangent, Ex 6, a differentiable function must be continuous, Ex 7-11
§2.4 linearity rule, Ex 1, product rule
0928 §2.4 and 2.6, Ex 2-3, Extensions of product rule, Ex 4-7, quotient rule, Ex 8-9 (we skip §2.5)
§2.7 exponential functions, logarithmic functions, derivative of a^x
5 1003
§2.7 example for derivative of exponential functions
§2.8 trigonometric functions, sin x < x < tan x, derivatives of sin, cos and tan, examples, trig functions on unit circle, formula for sin(x+y)
§2.9 chain rule, Ex 1
§2.9 alternative form and heuristic of chain rule, Ex 2-7
Quiz 2
6 1010
§0.6 inverse functions
§2.10 the natural logarithm
§2,10 continued
§2.11 implicit differentiation
notes for 0.6, 2.10 and 2.11
7 1017
§2.12 inverse trig functions and their derivatives
§3.1 velocity and acceleration
§3.1 Ex 2 continued
§3.3 differential equations, exponential decay and growth, carbon dating, Newton's rule of cooling
Quiz 3
8 1024
§3.3.3 population growth
§3.2 related rates
§3.4 constant, linear and quadratic approximations, coefficient formula for Taylor polynomials
9 1031
§3.4 Taylor polynomials for e^x, ln x, cos x and sin x. Remainder formula for R_0(x) using Mean Value Theorem (MVT), error bound and over/under estimate for R_0. (We skip percentage error of §3.4.7 and derivation of remainder formula of §3.4.9)
§3.4 remainder formula for R_n(x), error bound and over/under estimate for R_n.
§3.5.1 local and global maximum and minimum.
Quiz 4
10 1107
§3.5.1-3.5.2 first and second derivative tests for local max/min, critical and singular points, finding global maximum and minimum.
§3.5.2 one more example on global extrema
§2.13 Rolle's theorem, Mean value theorem
11 1114
§3.6.1-3.6.3 sketching the graph of y=f(x) using info of f, f' and f''
3.6.3-3.6.6 graphs of odd/even and periodic functions, examples of global max/min
Quiz 5
12 1121
3.6.6 one more example on graphing
3.5.3 word problems for optimization, global max/min on open intervals, Ex 1-3
3.7 l'Hôpital's rule, examples
Two examples on 3.7, one example on 3.5.3
4.1 antiderivative
4.1 examples
comments on final exam, review 2016 final exam, teaching evaluation