Example M1. We work in the $xy$-plane, with all coordinates measure in meters. At the point \(P(1,3)\), the electric field is $$ {\bf E} = {1\over 4\pi\epsilon_0} \left\langle{0.2159,-0.8167}\right\rangle\qquad \hbox{nN/C}. $$

  1. Could \({\bf E}\) be caused by some combination of point charges at the points \(P_1(-2,-1)\) and \(P_2(-4,15)\)? If not, explain why not; if so, find all possible point charges compatible with \({\bf E}\) as measured.
  2. Could \({\bf E}\) be caused by some combination of point charges at the points \(P_3(-3,3)\) and \(P_4(13,3)\)? If not, explain why not; if so, find all possible point charges compatible with \({\bf E}\) as measured.