Calculus Examination Report—June 2013

Participation: The exam was written by 95 students.

Summary: Of the 95 students who submitted a paper, 43 earned a score of 50% or better. In other words, 45% of the participants passed the test and are eligible to claim credit at a sponsoring university. The median grade was 47%.

There was a two-way tie for the top score of 84%.

Summary Statistics
Maximum 84.0
Minimum 3.0
Mean 44.9
Median 47.0
Standard deviation 21.9

Details: For each question, the following table shows the scores that separate the participants into four equally-sized groups. The median score divides the group in half; quartiles 1 and 3 bisect the lower and upper halves again. Scores are reported using percentages instead of individual points to make comparisons easier.

Question Point Value Quartile 1 (%) Median (%) Quartile 3 (%)
Q1 (short calculations) 42 32 52 68
Q2 (max/min) 10 20 70 100
Q3 (related rates) 10 0 40 80
Q4 (speed/velocity/distance) 10 40 50 70
Q5 (tangents and Newton's Method) 10 15 30 40
Q6 (graphs and sketching) 12 4 50 75
Q7 (theory) 6 0 17 50

Here are links to the Exam Questions, Terse Solutions, and Comments from the Graders.

(Calculus Exam home page.)

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