This is an archive copy of SFU's report, taken from this original address:

Calculus Exam Report--June 2006

The exam was hosted by Simon Fraser University and was written on June 8, 2006.

The exam was marked on June 13 by a team all of whose members have considerable experience in marking first-semester calculus exams.

209 students were registered and 201 actually wrote the exam. Of the 201 who wrote, 44 or 22% scored 75 and up, and a further 92 or 46% scored between 50 and 74, thereby passing the exam. The remaining 65 examinees or 32% scored between 12 and 49.

Letters were mailed to all participants on June 23. Letters and certificates which have gone astray can be replaced upon request.

Letters were mailed to invigilators of participating schools at the end of June thanking them and giving statistics specific to their school.

Summary Statistics
Maximum 100
Minimum 12
Mean 59
Median 59
Standard deviation 19

Performance on particular questions
Question 1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b 4 5a 5b 5c 6a 6b 6c 7 8 9 10 11a 11b 11c 12 13 14 15
% Score 90 58 91 69 53 52 25 27 83 70 84 65 74 48 29 49 51 52 46 42 70 64 70 26


Killer questions?

As the table shows Questions 4, 8, and 15 were found very difficult although it was not the intention of the examiners to stump so many students.