
I grew up in Los Alamos, New Mexico (here's a picture). Like almost all of the adults in Los Alamos, my parents worked in Los Alamos's famous national lab.

 I got my B.A. from Stanford in 1989 and my Ph.D. from Harvard in 1994 under the direction of Cliff Taubes. From 1994-1996, I was a UC Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow at Irvine under the mentorship of Ron Stern, and from 1996-1997 and 1997-1998  I was a MSRI postdoctoral fellow and then a Ford Foundation Fellow in the Berkeley math department  under the mentorship of Rob Kirby. From 1998 until 2001 I was an assistant professor in the mathematics department at Tulane University. I am currently an Associate professor at the University of British Columbia.

My favorite non-research interest is music. I play jazz and rock on the piano, guitar, bass guitar and the voice (trumpet too, sort of). I sang with two a cappella groups, the Stanford Fleetstreet Singers and the Harvard Din and Tonics. I'm between bands right now, most recently I was in a rock band with Craig Norris, Greg Binns, and John Jordan. In New Orleans I studied jazz piano with Peter Martin.

My wife Jenny is also an assistant professor at UBC in the Statistics Department and Biotechnology Lab.

On November 15th, 2003 our son Reed Frazier Bryan was born.

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