Help: Solving area

When the Go button is pressed to start the numerical solution process, the Solving area appears at lower left. This contains a Progress Bar which shows the progress of the solution: the solution is be complete when the coloured area reaches the right end of the Progress Bar. When this happens, the Solving area shows how many times the derivatives were evaluated. Thus if the Euler algorithm is used with "Number of steps" set to 50, the Solving area will show "Derivatives evaluated at 51 points": one for each step of the method, and an additional one for the final value. On the other hand, each step of Improved Euler evaluates the derivatives twice, so the same calculation with the Improved Euler algorithm will show "Derivatives evaluated at 101 points".

If the solution process is stopped, either by pressing the Stop button, violating a side condition or encountering an error condition (such as an undefined function), the Progress Bar remains incomplete and the Solving area indicates what happened and at what value of the independent variable.

Press the OK button to make the area disappear.
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