Bug fix: Integrals involving fractional powers

Maple has trouble with some integrals involving products of half-integer powers of linear terms. In some cases it seems the problem has to do with taking different branches of multivalued functions, and the antiderivative may be correct in some regions but not in others.

> f1:= (2*x-3)^(-3/2)*x^(1/2);

[Maple Math]

> F1:= int(f1,x);

[Maple Math]

> N:= simplify(diff(F1,x)-f1);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

This complicated function turns out to be zero (as it should be) when [Maple Math] .

> assume(x<3/2); simplify(N);

[Maple Math]

> assume(x>3/2); simplify(N);

[Maple Math]

Unfortunately we are probably most interested in the case [Maple Math] > [Maple Math] , as that is when the terms in f1 are both real.

In other cases the result is wrong for all values of [Maple Math] .

> x:= 'x':

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

> simplify(diff(F2,x) - f2);

[Maple Math]

A work-around is to express the integrand as a single square root. Note that this is not quite equivalent to the original integrand (although it is equivalent when at least one of the linear terms is positive).

> f1p:= sqrt((2*x-3)^(-3)*x);
F1p:= simplify(int(f1p,x));

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> normal(diff(F1p,x)-f1p);

[Maple Math]

> f2p:= sqrt((2*x+3)/x^5);
F2p:= simplify(int(f2p,x));

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

> normal(diff(F2p,x)-f2p);

[Maple Math]

In general it is prudent to check the correctness of integrals, either by comparing definite integrals to their floating-point approximations or by comparing the derivative of an indefinite integral to the integrand.

See also: Errors in symbolic integration , int

Maple Advisor Database R. Israel, 1998