Introduction to the Figure Package - Sample using the Template class.

Sample Code using the Template class

Here is some sample code, using the Template class that produces a PostScript file named when run as an application and that yields a screen image when run as an applet.
                  /*  File:    */

import figPac.* ;
import java.applet.* ;
import java.awt.* ;

public class templateRose extends Template {

     static {templateClass = new templateRose() ; }

     public void setup() {
          filePrefix = "templateRose" ;   
          outputLblFile = false ;
          xsize = 4 ;   // in inches
          ysize = 4 ;   // in inches
          xmin = -300 ;
          xmax = 300 ;
          ymin = -300 ;
          ymax = 300 ;
          showCanvasBoundary = false ;
     public  void prepareFigure(Figure canvas) {
          fAxes("x axis","y axis")  ;    
          fSubFigure subfig= new fSubFigure() ;
          subfig.append(new fCurve(new rose(200,3),
                                   CLOSED+FILLED)) ;
          fEnv("fillColor", Color.yellow)  ; 
          canvas.append(subfig) ;
          fLabel(100,50,"cc","Petal") ;

To compile this program you would save it to a file named and then use
To create and then print a PostScript file you would execute
     java templateRose
To get a screen image you would instead create a file called templateRose.html containing
<HEAD><TITLE>Figure Test Program</TITLE></HEAD>
<H1>Figure Test Program </H1>

<APPLET code="templateRose.class" width=600 height=500></APPLET>

and then execute
     appletviewer templateRose.html &