Introduction to the Figure Package - Screen Sample.

Sample Code Yielding a Screen Image

Here is a sample figure just containing a set of axes, a label and a subfigure consisting of a rose with three petals.
                  /*  File:    */

import java.applet.* ;
import java.awt.* ;
import figPac.* ;


public class  screenRose extends Applet {

   public void init() {          

      Figure canvas = new Figure(this,6,6) ;
      this.add(canvas) ;

      canvas.limits(-300,-300,300,300) ;
      canvas.showCoords = true ;
      canvas.useZoom = true ;     
      canvas.useDrag = true ;

      canvas.append(new fAxes("x axis","y axis") ) ;    
      fSubFigure subfig= new fSubFigure() ;
      subfig.append(new fCurve(new rose(200,3),
                               fCurve.CLOSED+fCurve.FILLED)) ;
      canvas.append(subfig) ;
      canvas.append(new fEnv("fillColor", Color.yellow)) ;
      canvas.append(new fLabel(100,50,"cc","Petal")) ;

      canvas.toScreen() ;

class rose implements S2V {

   double radius ;
   int noPetals ;

   public rose(double radius, int noPetals) {
      this.radius = radius ;
      this.noPetals = noPetals ;

   public double[] map(double t) {
      double[] out = new double[2] ;
      out[0] = radius*Math.cos(t)*Math.sin(noPetals*t)  ;
      out[1] = radius*Math.sin(t)*Math.sin(noPetals*t)  ;
      return out ;


To execute this you would have to save the above program to a file named and you would also have to create a file called screenRose.html and containing
<HEAD><TITLE>Figure Test Program</TITLE></HEAD>
<H1>A rose drawn to screen </H1>

<APPLET code="screenRose.class" width=600 height=600></APPLET>

You then compile and execute the program using
     appletviewer screenRose.html &