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Interface figPac.fInteractive

public interface fInteractive
extends Configurable
Figure elements that implement this interface can be created interactively under control of the program figEdit. The method
public void startEdit(figEdit applet) ;
is called to initiate the interactive editing session. The method
public void endEdit( ) ;
is called to terminate the interactive editing session. It should end with the statement
applet.endEdit() ;
This informs the calling program that the editing session has been completed. The method
public void endEditAndDelete( ) ;
is called to terminate the interactive editing session and to inform the figure element to delete itself from the Figure. It should end with the statement
applet.endEditAndDelete() ;
This informs the calling program that the editing session has been completed and tells it to delete the figure element from the Figure.

Method Index

 o endEdit()
This method is called to terminate the interactive editing session.
 o endEditAndDelete()
This method is called to terminate the interactive editing session, informing the fElement to delete itself from the Figure.
 o startEdit(figEdit)
This method is called to initiate the interactive editing session.
 o toString()
This method is expected to output a string, which when executed as a java statement would create an fElement that looks just like the current one.


 o startEdit
 public abstract void startEdit(figEdit applet)
This method is called to initiate the interactive editing session.

 o endEdit
 public abstract void endEdit()
This method is called to terminate the interactive editing session.

 o endEditAndDelete
 public abstract void endEditAndDelete()
This method is called to terminate the interactive editing session, informing the fElement to delete itself from the Figure.

 o toString
 public abstract String toString()
This method is expected to output a string, which when executed as a java statement would create an fElement that looks just like the current one. For example
public String toString() {
return "fLine("+from[0]+", "+from[1]+", "+to[0]+", "+to[1]+") ;";

toString in class Object

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