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Class figPac.fArrowhead


public class fArrowhead
extends Object
implements fElement
Each instance of the class fArrowhead represents an arrowhead.

Variable Index

 o angle
The angle between the long axis of the arrowhead and the user x axis.
 o arrowHeadColor
The color used to fill the arrowhead on the screen.
 o arrowHeadGray
Controls the density used to fill the arrowhead in postscript.
 o centre
The centre of the arrowhead in user coordinates.
 o cofmass
The centre of the arrowhead is this fraction of the way along the long axis of the arrowhead.
 o defaultHeadColor
The default color used to fill the arrowhead on the screen.
 o defaultHeadGray
Controls the default density used to fill the arrowhead in postscript.
 o defaultHeadHalfWidth
The default value of the half-width of the arrow head in points.
 o defaultHeadLength
The default value of the length of the arrow head in points.
 o headHalfWidth
The half-width of the arrow head in points.
 o headLength
The length of the arrow head in points.

Constructor Index

 o fArrowhead(double, double, double)
Creates an arrow with centre (in user coordinates) determined by the first two arguments and angle determined by the last argument (in degrees).
 o fArrowhead(double, double, double, double)
Creates an arrow with centre (in user coordinates) determined by the first two arguments pointing towards the point specified by the final two arguments.
 o fArrowhead(double[], double)
Creates an arrow with centre determined by the first argument and angle by the second.
 o fArrowhead(double[], double[])
Creates an arrow with centre determined by the first argument and pointing towards the point given by the second argument.

Method Index

 o drawgfx(Figure, Hashtable, V2V)
 o drawps(Figure, Hashtable, V2V)


 o centre
 public double centre[]
The centre of the arrowhead in user coordinates.

 o angle
 public double angle
The angle between the long axis of the arrowhead and the user x axis.

 o headHalfWidth
 public double headHalfWidth
The half-width of the arrow head in points.

 o defaultHeadHalfWidth
 public double defaultHeadHalfWidth
The default value of the half-width of the arrow head in points.

 o headLength
 public double headLength
The length of the arrow head in points.

 o defaultHeadLength
 public double defaultHeadLength
The default value of the length of the arrow head in points.

 o cofmass
 public double cofmass
The centre of the arrowhead is this fraction of the way along the long axis of the arrowhead.

 o defaultHeadColor
 public Color defaultHeadColor
The default color used to fill the arrowhead on the screen.

 o arrowHeadColor
 public Color arrowHeadColor
The color used to fill the arrowhead on the screen.

 o defaultHeadGray
 public double defaultHeadGray
Controls the default density used to fill the arrowhead in postscript. Black=0, white=1.

 o arrowHeadGray
 public double arrowHeadGray
Controls the density used to fill the arrowhead in postscript. Black=0, white=1.


 o fArrowhead
 public fArrowhead(double centre[],
                   double angle)
Creates an arrow with centre determined by the first argument and angle by the second.

 o fArrowhead
 public fArrowhead(double x,
                   double y,
                   double angle)
Creates an arrow with centre (in user coordinates) determined by the first two arguments and angle determined by the last argument (in degrees).

 o fArrowhead
 public fArrowhead(double centre[],
                   double to[])
Creates an arrow with centre determined by the first argument and pointing towards the point given by the second argument.

 o fArrowhead
 public fArrowhead(double xcentre,
                   double ycentre,
                   double xto,
                   double yto)
Creates an arrow with centre (in user coordinates) determined by the first two arguments pointing towards the point specified by the final two arguments.


 o drawgfx
 public void drawgfx(Figure fig,
                     Hashtable env,
                     V2V usr2pxl)
 o drawps
 public String drawps(Figure fig,
                      Hashtable env,
                      V2V usr2ps)

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