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Class figPac.fArrow


public class fArrow
extends Object
implements fElement, fInteractive, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
Each instance of the class fArrow represents an arrow.

Variable Index

 o arrowHeadColor
The color used to fill the arrowhead on the screen.
 o arrowHeadGray
Controls the density used to fill the arrowhead in postscript.
 o defaultHeadColor
The default color used to fill the arrowhead on the screen.
 o defaultHeadGray
Controls the default density used to fill the arrowhead in postscript.
 o defaultHeadHalfWidth
The default value of the half-width of the arrow head in points.
 o defaultHeadLength
The default value of the length of the arrow head in points.
 o from
The starting point of the arrow in user coordinates.
 o headHalfWidth
The half-width of the arrow head in points.
 o headLength
The length of the arrow head in points.
 o to
The end point of the arrow in user coordinates.

Constructor Index

 o fArrow()
 o fArrow(double, double, double, double)
Creates an arrow with initial point (x1,y1) and final point (x2,y2), both in user coordinates.
 o fArrow(double[], double[])
Creates an arrow with initial point from[] and final point to[], both in user coordinates.

Method Index

 o configure(String, double)
 o configure(String, double[])
 o configure(String, String)
 o drawgfx(Figure, Hashtable, V2V)
 o drawps(Figure, Hashtable, V2V)
 o endEdit()
 o endEditAndDelete()
 o mouseClicked(MouseEvent)
 o mouseDragged(MouseEvent)
 o mouseEntered(MouseEvent)
 o mouseExited(MouseEvent)
 o mouseMoved(MouseEvent)
 o mousePressed(MouseEvent)
 o mouseReleased(MouseEvent)
 o startEdit(figEdit)
 o toString()


 o from
 public double from[]
The starting point of the arrow in user coordinates.

 o to
 public double to[]
The end point of the arrow in user coordinates.

 o headHalfWidth
 public double headHalfWidth
The half-width of the arrow head in points.

 o defaultHeadHalfWidth
 public double defaultHeadHalfWidth
The default value of the half-width of the arrow head in points.

 o headLength
 public double headLength
The length of the arrow head in points.

 o defaultHeadLength
 public double defaultHeadLength
The default value of the length of the arrow head in points.

 o defaultHeadColor
 public Color defaultHeadColor
The default color used to fill the arrowhead on the screen.

 o arrowHeadColor
 public Color arrowHeadColor
The color used to fill the arrowhead on the screen.

 o defaultHeadGray
 public double defaultHeadGray
Controls the default density used to fill the arrowhead in postscript. Black=0, white=1.

 o arrowHeadGray
 public double arrowHeadGray
Controls the density used to fill the arrowhead in postscript. Black=0, white=1.


 o fArrow
 public fArrow()
 o fArrow
 public fArrow(double from[],
               double to[])
Creates an arrow with initial point from[] and final point to[], both in user coordinates.

 o fArrow
 public fArrow(double x1,
               double y1,
               double x2,
               double y2)
Creates an arrow with initial point (x1,y1) and final point (x2,y2), both in user coordinates.


 o drawgfx
 public void drawgfx(Figure fig,
                     Hashtable env,
                     V2V usr2pxl)
 o drawps
 public String drawps(Figure fig,
                      Hashtable env,
                      V2V usr2ps)
 o startEdit
 public void startEdit(figEdit applet)
 o endEdit
 public void endEdit()
 o endEditAndDelete
 public void endEditAndDelete()
 o mouseClicked
 public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt)
 o mousePressed
 public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt)
 o mouseDragged
 public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt)
 o mouseReleased
 public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt)
 o mouseEntered
 public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt)
 o mouseExited
 public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt)
 o mouseMoved
 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt)
 o configure
 public void configure(String name,
                       String Value)
 o configure
 public void configure(String name,
                       double Value)
 o configure
 public void configure(String name,
                       double Value[])
 o toString
 public String toString()
toString in class Object

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