To get from UBC to Bowen Island and Back

Bus #4 or #17 to Downtown Vancouver
Bus #257 to Horseshoe Bay
Ferry to Bowen Island

The ferry costs are $9.20 for a return trip. There is a ferry leaving
at 9:05 and 10:05 (and 11:05).  To catch the ferry at 9:05am you
already have to leave at 7:20am. To catch the ferry at 10:05 you need
to leave at 8:07am.

Bus timetables for #257 are at

More information about the hike can be found via the links:

To walk from the ferry terminal on Bowen Island, climb Mount Gardner,
and return to Ferry terminal is as much as 7 hours.  There is a bus
from the terminal to the trailhead which saves time.  The bus schedule
is posted in the same directory as this.

If you start walking from the ferry terminal on Bowen Island you go
through a nice park. It's only 30 or 45 minutes away from the ferry
terminal. This might be an option for people who want to come along
but don't want to go on the hike.