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Math 110 - Course Outline


MATH 110 is a two-term course in Differential Calculus. The main topics covered are Limits and Derivatives of elementary functions, Related Rates problems, Optimization, graphing, and Approximations. We also review some key precalculus concepts, such as functions, points and lines, basic trigonometry, exponentials and logarithms, etc. For a detailed schedule and list of topics, go to the Content page.

There are 4 main components to the course:

  • Assignments: There are frequent homework assignments in this course to help you learn the material effectively. Each assignment has an online component and a written component. Online homework is delivered on WeBWorK; it is common to all course sections and due weekly. Written homework may differ in content from section to section and it is due roughly every two weeks. Unless otherwise stated by your instructors, written homework must be handed in at the beginning of class on the due date. Late assignments will not be accepted. Go to your section page for more information about written homework. Homework assignments account for 13% of your final grade, specifically, 9% for the WebWork component and 4% for the written portion. The assignment with the lowest score will be dropped in each term.

  • Workshops: In addition to regular lectures, every student is assigned to a weekly problem-solving workshop run by teaching assistants. These workshops are an integral part of the course, and attendance is mandatory. Refer to the Workshops page above for detailed information. Your workshop grade is based on attendance and participation in the workshop activities in at least 10 out of 11 workshops each term. Workshops account for 13% of your final grade.

  • In-class quizzes and other activities: There will be short quizzes in each section every two weeks (on the week when no written homework is due). Your instructor may also decide to run other in-class activities (worksheets, etc.) that may or may not count for marks. Altogether, in-class quizzes/activities account for 4% of your final grade.

  • Tests and Exams: There will be two 90-minute midterm tests, Each is worth 10% of your final grade. Furthermore, there will be two 150-minute exams, one in December worth 20% of your final grade, and one in April worth 30% of your final grade. Both exams are cumulative. The dates of these exams are to be determined.

Textbook: The required textbook is Contemporary Calculus by Dale Hoffman. This is an online textbook available for free under the Creative Commons license. You can download it here. You are encouraged to download it on your computer; you may also print it out if you wish. Refer to the Resources page for additional studying resources.

Syllabus: Here is the course syllabus, which summarizes the information presented on this website.

Course Policies

Grade summary: A student's final grade is based on assignments (13%), workshops (13%), two midterm tests (10% each), section-specific in-class work (4%), the December exam (20%) and April exam (30%).

No calculators or electronic communication devices are allowed during exams and quizzes. Formula sheets are also not allowed.

Missed quizzes: There will be no make-up quizzes in this course; if a quiz is missed for a documented reason, it will be ignored. Documented reasons for missing a quiz are: (a) prior notice of a valid, documented absence (e.g. out-of-town varsity athletic commitment accompanied by a letter from a coach) on the scheduled date; or (b) notification to the instructor within 48 hours of absence due to medical condition or other extenuating circumstances. Original written documentation, for example a doctor's note, is required; otherwise, a score of 0 will be given for the missed quiz.

Missed midterms: Permission to write a make-up midterm exam will be granted only for scheduling conflicts with other courses or important out-of-school commitments (e.g. work). In these cases, a make-up exam will be scheduled in consultation with the instructor. If a midterm exam is missed for other documented reasons (see list above), no make-up exam will be offered, instead the weight of the exam will be moved to the end-of-term exam.

Final exams: Both the December and the April exams are considered ''final exams'' and follow the UBC exam guidelines; in particular, students must write both exams in order to pass the course, exemptions are granted for special cases (exam hardships, health issues, extenuating circumstances, etc.) as per UBC exam policies. Note that travelling is not considered a valuable reason for requesting a deferred exam.

Scaling: The final mark distribution of the quizzes and written homework of each section may be scaled based on the final exam mark distribution of that section. This is to ensure fairness in assessment across sections.