405/607E Exam Review ==================== (You *are* responsible for the material up from the first midterm.) Interpolation - cardinal poly - existence/uniqueness - error formulae Quadrature - idea of interpolant as "proxy" - Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson's Rule. - error formulae - composite methods - adaptive methods The forward and backward Euler methods Local truncation error vs one-step error Stability - various types... - stability for the BVP problem (example in class) - absolute stability analysis based on Dahlquist test equation - difference between the exact soln of this problem and the definition of abs. stab: a property of the *method* - growth factor - stability regions - A-stability - L-stability consistency + stability => convergence How to find a finite difference method using Taylor series. Understanding convergence studies ($O(h^p)$: h/2, error down by?) some idea about stiffness: we had various definitions - *stiff problem*, not just DE MOL: what is it? stencil diagram showing finite difference schemes and dependency on points how absolute stability analysis leads to restrictions on the time-step and space-step, i.e., k <= dx^2/4 IMEX idea leap-frog scheme upwinding for advection some rough idea about how to apply finite differences in 2D (not going to ask complicated things about kron) von neumann analysis floating point - how numbers are represented (binary sci. not., no details) - IEEE FP principle: each arithmetic operator gives the exact answer, rounded to the nearest floating point number. - every step of your algorithm, a relative error is introduced in 16th decimal digit General notion of stability and conditioning forward error: want f(x), get hat{y} = hat{f}(x). $y-hat{y}$ is forward error backward error: f(x + delta x) = hat{y}: smallest such delta x is the backward error diagram of forward error, backward error backward stable algorithm: gives exact solution of a nearby problem Conditioning: measure how sensitive *problem* is to perturbations in input (contrast with *stability* of a method). condition number of a matrix: what is the practical effect, i.e., on solving Ax=b NumLinAlg: orthog matrix LU/GE householder/givens QR factorization eigenvalue problems, QR algorithm svd (basics) iterative methods (QR alg is one example) Gauss-Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel Basic ideas of preconditioning and multigrid. Spectral methods cost of FFT how to evaluate a derivative chebfun: basic idea (represent functions as an expansion in polynomial basis), keep all coefficients until the coefficients are O(eps_mach). RBF: just basic idea of scattered grid and placing radially basis symmetric fcns at each point. - how to find the weights? (with linear algebra). FEM: basic ideas - review Poisson problem in 1D as in notes: we did this in some detail.