What are Megaliths?

The word Megalith refers to two Greek roots.  These roots are known as:

'MEGA' meaning GREAT
'LITHOS' meaning STONE

So the word Megalith may mean, great stone, or big stone.1

Megalithic monuments may include existing galores such as Hadrian's Wall, the Stone Pyramids of Egypt and Mesoamerica or other antiquities.  Most often, Megalithic monuments are found to be either:2

a)  single, isolated, standing stones

b)  grouped standing stones

c)  chambered tombs

Stonehenge is the only megalithic monument known to be built in the form of lintels supported by stone uprights.3

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1.  Brown, Peter Lancaster.  Megaliths and Masterminds, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York (1979; pg. 1)
2.  Brown, Peter Lancaster.  Megaliths and Masterminds, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York (1979; pg. 1)
3.  Brown, Peter Lancaster.  Megaliths and Masterminds, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York (1979; pg. 4)