
This project detailed the Lindenmayer grammar system and discussed how it is used to produce a certain type of fractal. Several examples were given, and further mathematical properties of some of them were explored, including the idea of fractal dimension. There are many other types of fractals that are produced using different methods, the most notable being the Mandelbrot Set, the Julia Set, and Newton Basins methods.

Aristid Lindenmayer set out to model the growth pattern of algae. His Lindenmayer systems are the height of simplicity. How could he have known that they would produce something so complex?

Please consult the list of references for links to sites with more information about various specific topics mentioned here.

Click here to download a ZIP file containing a collection of Lindenmayer fractals. All examples in this project are included, as well as others. There is a separate PostScript file for each iteration of each fractal. The file "" is a slide show of all iterations of every fractal. You will need to extract the contents of the ZIP file into one folder before you can run the slide show properly.