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Class psplot.PlotPath


public class PlotPath
extends Object
PlotPaths are the basic class drawn into PlotCanvases. Drawing follows the PostScript model. Each path is an array of segments. Each segment is an array of coordinates. Stroking a path means drawing lines along the pieces. Filling it means turning each piece into a polygon.

Constructor Index

 o PlotPath(PlotCanvas)
 o PlotPath(PlotCanvas, Color)
 o PlotPath(PlotCanvas, Graphics)

Method Index

 o close()
 o curveto(RealPoint, RealPoint, RealPoint)
 o fill()
 o fill(Color)
 o lineto(double, double)
 o lineto(RealPoint)
 o moveto(double, double)
 o moveto(RealPoint)
 o rlineto(double, double)
 o rlineto(RealPoint)
 o rmoveto(double, double)
 o rmoveto(RealPoint)
 o setColor(Color)
 o stroke()
 o stroke(Color)


 o PlotPath
 public PlotPath(PlotCanvas can)
 o PlotPath
 public PlotPath(PlotCanvas can,
                 Graphics g)
 o PlotPath
 public PlotPath(PlotCanvas can,
                 Color col)


 o setColor
 public void setColor(Color c)
 o moveto
 public void moveto(double x,
                    double y)
 o moveto
 public void moveto(RealPoint p)
 o rmoveto
 public void rmoveto(RealPoint p)
 o rmoveto
 public void rmoveto(double x,
                     double y)
 o lineto
 public void lineto(RealPoint p)
 o lineto
 public void lineto(double x,
                    double y)
 o rlineto
 public void rlineto(RealPoint p)
 o rlineto
 public void rlineto(double x,
                     double y)
 o curveto
 public void curveto(RealPoint P1,
                     RealPoint P2,
                     RealPoint P3)
 o close
 public void close()
 o stroke
 public void stroke()
 o stroke
 public void stroke(Color c)
 o fill
 public void fill()
 o fill
 public void fill(Color c)

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