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Monocyte migration across the human blood-brain barrier


The potential contribution of circulating monocytes/macrophages to the inflammatory process of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is studied in a physiological model proposed by Fiala et al. [1].

Under normal circumstances, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) filters out the circulating monocytes from the brain tissue. However, chemotactic stimulus of inflammatory regions of the brain may attract such monocytes which then permeate the BBB. A large number of Aß deposits are present in the AD brain together with the presence of multiple inflammatory molecules. These are thought to induce the monocytes transmigration of the BBB, and movement into the vicinity of Aß deposits.

Differentiation of monocytes into macrophages:

Cultures of peripheral monocytes: Elisa essays of cytokines and chemokines: Transmigration of monocytes: Results:

Aß induces secretion of cytokines by cultured monocytes:

A-b(mg/ml)  TNF-a(pg/ml)  IL-6(pg/ml)  IL-12(pg/ml)  IL-1b(pg/ml)
0.25  500  20 
2.5  800  110 
25  1400  140  10.5  25 
Moreover, we have that 8 mg/ml of IL-1b were secreted with 8.1 pg/ml of Aß1-42.

Some Michaelis-Menten type functions are eye-fitted to the above data. If c is the cytokine concentration in pg/ml, and x is the Aß concentration. We have that for TNF-a secretion the function is
c =  cmaxx
where, cmax = 1400 and K = 2.5 (see figure 1).

Figure 1: Michaelis-Menten curve fitted to the data obtained from figure 2 A) of Fiala's et al. paper [1].

For IL-6 we found
c =  cmaxx
where, cmax = 140 and K = 2 (see figure 2).

Figure 2: Michaelis-Menten curve fitted to the data obtained from figure 2 B) of Fiala's et al. paper [1].

And for IL-12 we have
c =  cmaxx
where, cmax = 10.5 and K = 2 (see figure 3).

Figure 3: Michaelis-Menten curve fitted to the data obtained from figure 2 C) of Fiala's et al. paper [1].

There were some individual donor fluctuations in the amount of cytokine secretion when monocytes were stimulated with Aß1-42. Eight individual donors were investigated whose monocytes were treated with 2.5 µM of Aß1-42. In table 1 of Fiala's et al., we can compare the results. Again, concentrations were compared to those stimulated by the control media containing DMSO.

Aß1-42 with monocytes stimulate monocyte transmigrating across the BBB model:

The model consisted of placing a monolayer of human endothelial cells derived from cerebral microvessels and human astrocytes separating the vascular side (upper chamber) from the brain parenchymal side (lower chamber). In a control experiment, 5×105 human monocytes were placed. Figure 4 of Fiala's et al. paper shows that:

Conclusions :

It has been strongly suggested that inflammation plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of AD and development of dementia. In vitro cultures of human microglia obtained from rapid autopsies from individuals with AD secreted 100-fold or more IL-1b, IL-6 and TNF-a than those cells from nondemented subjects. In this study fluctuations in cytokine secretion elicited by Aß in different donors are thought to be due to the individual's immunological responsiveness. Also, in this study the authors show the proinflammatory effects of Aß1-42 on peripheral monocytes. It is suggested that some of the microglia-like cells surrounding the Aß fibrils are transmigrated monocytes from the BBB. In a dose and time-dependent manner, it was shown how Aß induced differentiation of monocytes into macrophages, as well as some monocyte migration across the BBB.


[1] Fiala M, Zhang L, Gan X, Sherry B, Taub D, Graves MC, Hama, S, Way D, Weinand M, Witte M, Lorton D, Kuo Y_M, Roher AE (1998). Amyloid-beta induces chemokine secretion and monocyte migration across human blood-brain barrier model. Molec Med 4: 480-489.Abstract

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