MATH 101
Integral Calculus with Applications to Physical Sciences and Engineering


  1. All grades for MATH 101 should be available to you via the SSC.

  2. Generally, students did as expected in the course. We did some minor scaling up of the final exam (not uniformly -- i.e. we didn't just add n points to the scores) and the results are within historic norms. The only component of the term grades that was scaled was the 10 marks each instructor had at their discretion. These were scaled to ensure consistency across all sections. The rest of the components of the grade come from common assessments.

  3. In keeping with course policies, we chose to give students the benefit of improved performance on the final exam in their final grade. You received the maximum of your grade as computed by the usual formula or an 80-20 split between final exam and term grade. In some cases, the latter mitigated against missing grades in Webwork, for example, or a poor performance on the midterm.

  4. If you missed the exam for any reason: (1) contact your instructor, and (2) contact your Faculty Advising Office. Only your Faculty is authorized to grant deferred exams. They will require full documentation for your situation.

  5. Students who wish to view their exams for pedagogic purposes may initiate this process by filling out a form at the Mathematics Department Office (Room 121 in the Mathematics Building).

Course Information

This is the common page for all sections of MATH 101 in Term 2 of the 2013W session (January to April 2014). This page gives the course outline, suggested homework problems, course policies, other course information, and information on available resources. For section-specific information, please contact your instructor.


Text: Calculus: Early Transcendentals 7th Edition by James Stewart.

This book is available at the UBC Bookstore. We have used this book for the past several year's, so there will be used copies around. If you wish to use a previous edition, it will be your responsibility to manage the differences between editions.

Grading Schemes
  • Your grade normally will be computed based on the following formula: 50% Final Exam + 30% 1 Midterm + 10% WebWork Assignments + 10% Homework, Quizzes, and other coursework assigned by individual instructors. Please note that grades may be scaled to ensure fairness across sections; the final exam results will be used to do this scaling and term grades may go up or down as a result. The midterm and the final exam are common to all sections. Note that a student must score at least 40% on the final exam to pass the course, regardless of the grade computed by the normal calculation.

    Course Policies

    1. The final examination in April for this course will be common to all sections of MATH 101. This examination will account for 50% of a student's final grade. The remaining 50% will be based on term work. The final examination generally will not be weighted higher for students who perform better on the final examination than they did during the term, although some allowance may be made for students who perform much better on the final examination than they did during the term. (In practice, this rarely happens and the criterion will be set by the Instructor-in-charge and applied uniformly across all sections.) The final examination is board marked (i.e. all instructors teaching this course mark the exams together) to ensure consistency and fairness across sections.

    2. IMPORTANT: The final mark distribution of the term work of each section may be scaled based on the final exam mark distribution of that section. These adjusted term marks would then be used to compute a student's final grade. Any scaling is performed to ensure fairness in the final grades across sections.

    3. No unauthorized electronic devices will be allowed at the final examination. This includes cell phones, smart phones, music players, and all other such devices. Formula sheets and other memory aids will not be allowed.

    4. No calculators will be allowed on the midterm or the final examination.

    5. Midterm: There will be one common midterm in MATH 101. The date, which is subject to change, is:

      Tuesday, February 25th, scheduled for a set time period between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.

    6. Missing the midterm: There are no make-up midterms in this course. Missing the midterm normally results in a mark of 0 for that exam. Exceptions may be granted only with prior consent of the Instructor-in-Charge, who will consult with the section instructor, and with official documentation supporting the student's reason for missing the exam. An example of a valid reason is travel to play a varsity sport. The correct documentation in this case is a letter from the coach. An example of an invalid excuse is travel for personal reasons.

      In the case of a medical emergency, the section instructor must be notified within 48 hours of the missed exam and presented with a physician's note immediately upon the student's return to UBC. A physician's note must specifically state that the student was medically unfit to write the missed exam on the date of the exam. Absense of this exact information will result in a mark of 0. In the case of a missed exam for medical reasons, the weight of that exam will be transferred to the final examination.

      Please note that a student may NOT have 100% of their assessment based on the final examination. A student who has not completed a substantial portion of the term work normally shall not be admitted to the final examination.

    7. Missing the Final Exam: You will need to present your situation to the Dean's Office of your Faculty to be considered for a deferred exam. See the Calendar for detailed regulations. Your performance in a course up to the exam is taken into consideration in granting a deferred exam status (e.g. failing badly generally means you won't be granted a deferred exam). In Mathematics, generally students sit the next available exam for the course they are taking, which could be several months after the original exam was scheduled.

  • First year can be an overwhelming experience for many students. If you find yourself having serious academic difficulties in this course, it is best to talk to your instructor as soon as you can.

  • Academic Misconduct
  • UBC takes cheating incidents very seriously. After due investigation, students found guilty of cheating on tests and examinations are usually given a final grade of 0 in the course and suspended from UBC for one year. More information.

  • While students are encouraged to study together, they should be aware that blatant copying of another student's work is a serious breach of academic integrity. Please discuss with your instructors their expectations for acceptable collaboration on any assigned coursework. Cases of suspected cheating will be investigated thoroughly.

  • Note that academic misconduct includes misrepresenting a medical excuse or other personal situation for the purposes of postponing an examination or quiz or otherwise obtaining an academic concession.

  • Individual Section Links
  • Section 201 (Mac Lean)
  • Sections 202 and 203 (Gonzalez)
  • Section 205 (Hulshof)
  • Section 206 (Desaulniers)
  • Section 207 (Wiedemann)
  • Section 209 (Ganapathy)
  • Section 210 (Kolesnik)
  • Section 212 (Feldman)
  • Section 213 (Karslidis)

    Extra Help
  • Each instructor will hold office hours each week for students in his/her section of MATH 101. These office hours may be by appointment.

  • Math Learning Centre: There is a Math Learning Centre in LSK 301 and 302. Graduate student TAs are there to help you during the day: Monday to Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Friday 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • The AMS offers tutoring services.
  • Online Course Material
    1. Here is the course outline.

    2. Here are the course learning outcomes.

    3. Here are some suggested problems.

    Week-by-week detailed learning goals:
    1. Week 2 Learning Goals
    2. Week 3 Learning Goals
    3. Week 4 Learning Goals
    4. Week 5 Learning Goals
    5. Week 6 Learning Goals
    6. Week 7 Learning Goals
    7. Week 8 Learning Goals
    8. Weeks 9 and 10 Learning Goals
    9. Weeks 11 and 12 Learning Goals

  • The Instructor-in-Charge shares a perspective on grades and grading. This tells you more than you might want to know about grades and how your professors look at them.

    Weekly WebWork Assignments:

  • Each week there will be an online homework set. You will be able to access this directly by going to WebWork. Use your CWL to login to do your weekly on-line homework problem sets. Webwork homework is due at 8:00 a.m. on Fridays. Note that the intent of homework is to help you learn the material, and therefore it should be done as you are studying. Data show that students who leave their homework to the night before do poorly in the course.

    Extra notes for class

    Extra Problems!!

    Additional study problems will be posted here at irregular intervals. These are not to be handed in, but are to help you study the course material.


  • Here are the mock midterm solutions.

  • Here are the solutions and marking scheme for the midterm. Note that the marking scheme is set up to reward basic understanding of the core concepts and somewhat downplays algebraic errors. This is in keeping with the ``mastery" perspective on grading that says a grade of C means that you have a basic mastery but still have problems with technical skills.

    Useful Links
  • Common Errors Students Make (from Vanderbilt University)

    Page updated: 3 May 2014.
    Page maintained by Mark Mac Lean.