Mathematics 511

Operator Theory and Applications

Department of Mathematics University of British Columbia


Joel Feldman

 Office  Math 221
 Phone  604-822-5660
 Home page
 Office hours   Mon 2:30-3:30, Tue 10:30-11:30, Thr 10:00-11:00
 Location of lectures   MATX 1102
 Time of lectures   Tue, Thr 14:00-15:20



I will post all handouts, problem sets, etc. on the web here.


  1. Review of Hilbert and Banach Spaces:
     Definitions, examples, elementary geometry
     Operators - linear, bounded, compact, hermitian, self-adjoint, unitary
  2. The Spectral Theorems:
     I will state several versions of the spectral theorem. The extent to which this is treated as a review, and in particular how many proofs I give, will depend on what proportion of the class has already seen rigorous proofs of one or more variants of the spectral theorem.
  3. Unbounded Operators:
     Closed and preclosed unbounded operators
     Self--adjoint extensions of hermitian operators
     Bloch theory and the spectrum of periodic Schrödinger operators

